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How to adjust page breaks in multi-page PDFs.

Adjusting page breaks[edit | edit source]

By default, each chapter and sub-chapter in a Book-PDF is started on a new page. To avoid these page breaks and to create a continuous chapter flow, an administrator can add the following code to the page MediaWiki:Common.css:
                    /*PDF Book book or PDF with subpages - no page breaks between chapters*/
.bs-page-content, .bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2 
{page- { page-break-after: avoid; page-break-before: avoid;}

If you want to start the main chapters on separate pages, use this code instead:
                    /* multi-page PDF breaksPDF book or PDF with subpages - page break only after eachchapter mainlevl chapter1 */
.bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1 { page-break-before: avoidalways; }


You can add further chapter levels as needed:

                    /*PDF book or PDF with subpages - page breaks after chapter levels 1 and 2*/
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1 { page-break-beforeafter: alwaysavoid; }
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2 { page-break-afterbefore: always; }


Note: These settings apply both to the PDF output of books and to the PDF export which includes linked pages or subpages of a wiki page.

How to adjust page breaks in multi-page PDFs.
        ==Adjusting page breaks==
        By default, each chapter and sub-chapter in a Book-PDF is started on a new page. To avoid these page breaks and to create a continuous chapter flow,  an administrator can add the following code to the page MediaWiki:Common.css:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
        /*PDF Book book or PDF with subpages - no page breaks  between chapters*/
        .bs-page-content, .bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2 
            {page-break-after: avoid; page-break-before: avoid; { page-break-after: avoid; }
        </syntaxhighlight>If you want to start the main chapters on separate pages, use this code instead:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
        /* multi-page PDF breaks after each main chapterPDF book or PDF with subpages - page break only after chapter levl 1 */
        .bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
            .bs-page-break-before: avoid; }
            .bs-page-content.booklevel-1 { page-break-before: always; page-break-after: always; }
            </syntaxhighlight>content.booklevel-1 { page-break-before: always; }
            You can add further chapter levels as needed:
            <syntaxhighlight lang="css">
            /*PDF book or PDF with subpages - page breaks after chapter levels 1 and 2*/
            .bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
            .bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2 { page-break-before: always; }
        {{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=These settings apply both to the PDF output of books and to the PDF export which includes linked pages or subpages of a wiki page.|bgcolor=}}
        [[de: Handbuch:Erweiterung/BlueSpiceBookshelf/PDF_Ausgabe_anpassen]]
Line 4: Line 4:
By default, each chapter and sub-chapter in a Book-PDF is started on a new page. To avoid these page breaks and to create a continuous chapter flow,  an administrator can add the following code to the page MediaWiki:Common.css:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
By default, each chapter and sub-chapter in a Book-PDF is started on a new page. To avoid these page breaks and to create a continuous chapter flow,  an administrator can add the following code to the page MediaWiki:Common.css:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
/*PDF Book - no page breaks */
/*PDF book or PDF with subpages - no page breaks between chapters*/
.bs-page-content, .bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2
.bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
{page-break-after: avoid; page-break-before: avoid;}
</syntaxhighlight>If you want to start the main chapters on separate pages, use this code instead:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
</syntaxhighlight>If you want to start the main chapters on separate pages, use this code instead:<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
/* multi-page PDF breaks after each main chapter */
/*PDF book or PDF with subpages - page break only after chapter levl 1 */
.bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; page-break-before: avoid; }
.bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1 { page-break-before: always; page-break-after: always; }
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1 { page-break-before: always; }
</syntaxhighlight>{{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=These settings apply both to the PDF output of books and to the PDF export which includes linked pages or subpages of a wiki page.|bgcolor=}}
You can add further chapter levels as needed:
<syntaxhighlight lang="css">
/*PDF book or PDF with subpages - page breaks after chapter levels 1 and 2*/
.bs-page-content { page-break-after: avoid; }
.bs-page-content.booklevel-1, .bs-page-content.booklevel-2 { page-break-before: always; }
{{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=These settings apply both to the PDF output of books and to the PDF export which includes linked pages or subpages of a wiki page.|bgcolor=}}
[[de: Handbuch:Erweiterung/BlueSpiceBookshelf/PDF_Ausgabe_anpassen]]
[[de: Handbuch:Erweiterung/BlueSpiceBookshelf/PDF_Ausgabe_anpassen]]

