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Extension: BlueSpiceUEModuleDOCX

Description: This module allows the UniversalExport wiki article to output as Microsoft Word Office Open XML . ⧼bs-uemoduledocx-extension-description⧽
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License:

GPL-3.0-onlyProperty "BSExtensionInfoLicense" (as page type) with input value "</br>GPL-3.0-only" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Type: BlueSpice Category: Export
Edition: BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud


[edit source]

Export books to DOCX format

This module allows the UniversalExport wiki article to output as Microsoft Word Office Open XML 

UEModuleDOCX exports pages and books to the docx-format. This extension requires an external license.

This extension allows the output of a wiki page or book to Office Open XML. The content is inserted in a user-defined, freely selectable template. The conversion is done via an external tool, which

is subject to

is requires a license



Functionality[edit | edit source]

  • Conditions:
    • If possible, the conversion should be based on HTML template.
    • CSS / inline-styles should be supported. Here is the floating in pictures a bit critical.
    • Running headers and footers are necessary.
    • Images are embedded.
    • Attachments are not possible.
    • The template is a docx-file. The generated content from the wiki is inserted into the template at the place where the variable
    • $WIKICONTENT$ is located.
    • Meta information is stored in the docx-document (author, generator, etc).
  • The module works with
  • pages and books.

Technical Information[edit source]

This information applies to BlueSpice 3 . Technical details for BlueSpice cloud can differ in some cases.

Requirements[edit source]

  • MediaWiki: 1.31
  • BlueSpiceFoundation: 3.2

BlueSpiceUniversalExport: 3.2

Integrates into[edit source]

  • BlueSpiceUniversalExport

Special pages[edit source]

Permissions[edit source]

Name Description Role
uemoduledocx-export ⧼right-uemoduledocx-export⧽ reader
uemoduledocxsubpages-export ⧼right-uemoduledocxsubpages-export⧽ reader

Configuration[edit source]

Name Value
UEModuleDOCXDOCXServiceSecret '$1$DP0.QV2.$BPGuGZOMuWwuc5DlGI1lK/'
UEModuleDOCXDOCXServiceURL 'http://localhost/BShtml2DOCX'
UEModuleDOCXDefaultTemplate 'BlueSpice.docx'
UEModuleDOCXSuppressNS false
UEModuleDOCXTemplatePath 'extensions/BlueSpiceUEModuleDOCX/data/templates'

Hooks[edit source]

            |desc=This module allows the UniversalExport wiki article to output as Microsoft Word Office Open XML .
        |edition=BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro
        , BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud
            Export books to DOCX format
            This module allows the [https://wiki.hallowelt.com/wiki/Functional_Design/UniversalExport UniversalExport] wiki article to output as Microsoft Word category=Export
            |features='''UEModuleDOCX''' exports pages and books to the docx-format. This extension requires an [https://www.phpdocx.com/features external license].
            This extension allows the output of a wiki page or book to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML Office Open XML] . The content is inserted in a user-defined, freely selectable template. The conversion is done via an external tool, which is '''subject to license''' .
            ====<span id="Funktionsweise" class="mw-headline">Functionality</span>====
            * conditions
            ** is requires a [https://www.phpdocx.com/features license].
            **If possible, the conversion should be based on HTML template
            ** .
            **CSS / inline-styles should be supported. Here is the floating in pictures a bit critical.
        ** Running headers and footers are necessary
            * .
            **Images are embedded. Attachments  
            **Attachments are not possible<br />
            ** .
            **The template is a docx -file. The generated content from the wiki is inserted into the template at the place where the variable "$ WIKICONTENT $" is located.
            * <code>$WIKICONTENT$</code> is located.
            **Meta information is stored in the docx -document (author, generator, etc)
            * .
            *The module works with articlespages and books.
(24 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
|desc=This module allows the UniversalExport wiki article to output as Microsoft Word Office Open XML .
|edition=BlueSpice pro
|edition=BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud
|features='''UEModuleDOCX''' exports pages and books to the docx-format. This extension requires an [https://www.phpdocx.com/features external license].
Export books to DOCX format
This extension allows the output of a wiki page or book to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML Office Open XML]. The content is inserted in a user-defined, freely selectable template. The conversion is done via an external tool, which is requires a [https://www.phpdocx.com/features license].
This module allows the [https://wiki.hallowelt.com/wiki/Functional_Design/UniversalExport UniversalExport] wiki article to output as Microsoft Word [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML Office Open XML] . The content is inserted in a user-defined, freely selectable template. The conversion is done via an external tool, which is '''subject to license''' .
**If possible, the conversion should be based on HTML template.
**CSS / inline-styles should be supported. Here is the floating in pictures a bit critical.
**Running headers and footers are necessary.
**Images are embedded
**Attachments are not possible.
**The template is a docx-file. The generated content from the wiki is inserted into the template at the place where the variable <code>$WIKICONTENT$</code> is located.
**Meta information is stored in the docx-document (author, generator, etc).
*The module works with pages and books.
====<span id="Funktionsweise" class="mw-headline">Functionality</span>====
* conditions
** If possible, the conversion should be based on HTML template
** CSS / inline-styles should be supported. Here is the floating in pictures a bit critical.
** Running headers and footers are necessary
* Images are embedded. Attachments are not possible<br />
** The template is a docx file. The generated content from the wiki is inserted into the template at the place where the variable "$ WIKICONTENT $" is located.
* Meta information is stored in the docx document (author, generator, etc)
* The module works with articles and books

