Difference between revisions of "Manual:Extension/Echo"

[quality revision][quality revision]

The notifications system alerts users about all important changes in the wiki. Since notifications are sent for many events, users can set when and how often they want to receice these notifications and for what events.

Features[edit | edit source]

Feature Description
Email Notifications can be sent by email
Notifications page Notifications can be displayed in the Notifications page of the wiki. This functionality is provided by the MediaWiki extension Echo.
Icon An icon appears next to the profile menu with the number of messages that are still unread.
Configuration Registered users can configure the notifications settings in the Notifications tab of the Preferences page.
Sysop notifications If a new user logs in via the registration form, a notification is sent to sysop users.
Exclusions Users are not notified of their own changes.
Extensions Additional notifications are supplemented by extensions, such as Review or Read confirmations.
Permissions Users are only notified of changes on pages for which they have read permissions.

Viewing notifications[edit | edit source]

To view your notification preferences, click Notifications in the user profile menu.

Notifications menu option

This opens the notifications page. The notifications page has the following functionality:

  • 1 - Notification filter: The filter menu lists notifications by pages. Clilcking on a page name shows only the notifications for that page.
  • 2 - Notification status filter: You can show all notifications as well as read or unread notifications.
  • 3 - Settings menu: Here, you can go to the preferences page to limit the types of notifications you want to receive.
  • 4 - Notification: Clicking on a notification marks it as read. Alternatively, you can click on the blue status icon. Read notifications are marked with a dark background and an empty status icon.
Notifications page

Notification preferences[edit | edit source]

To configure which notifications you want to get, click on Preferences in the Settings menu (3).

Here you can set how and when you would like to receive notifications in email and/or in the notifications area of your user profile (Web notifications). If you haven't received email notifications yet, make sure that your email adress has been verified. This information is available in the User profile tab, under the section Email options.

To view your Web notifications, go to your User profile menu and select Notifications.

Screenshot: user menu notifications
menu link to notifications

The user profile image in the main toolbar and the Notifications menu item show the number of new notifications. Notifications can set for a variety of events, such as new assignments or reminders. You can also select to be notified about changes only in certain namespaces or categories.

To configure which notifications you want to get, click on Preferences in the Settings menu (3).

Email options[edit | edit source]

You can specify how often you receive emails: never, immediately, daily, or weekly.
notification email options
notification email options
If you unexpectedly don't receive emails for notifications, check under the User profile tab to make sure that you have already confirmed your email account.
unconfirmed email address
unconfirmed email address

Notify me about these events[edit | edit source]

Notifications can be displayed in the Notifications page of the wiki. This functionality is provided by the MediaWiki extension Echo.

New message indicator[edit | edit source]

This setting currently has no effect in BlueSpice. It is a configuration setting for the MediaWiki extension Extension:Echo|Echo (echo-show-alert).

Notifications on namespace events[edit | edit source]

Select for which namespaces you want to receive notifications.

Notifications on categories[edit | edit source]

Select for pages in which categories you want to receive notifications.

Review[edit | edit source]

  • Notify me about changes if I am the owner of a review: Select if you want to be notified in email of any workflow changes of a review workflow if you are the owner of the review.
  • Notify me about changes if I am the reviewer of a review: Select if you want to be notified in email of any workflow changes of a review workflow if you are the owner of the review.

Under the settings for Notify me about these events, you can set if and how you want to be notified if someone assigns a review task to you.

Related info

