Difference between revisions of "Manual:Extension/FlaggedRevs"

[quality revision][quality revision]
(Tag: 2017 source edit)

The extension FlaggedRevs is a MediaWiki extension that activates an approval mechanism. New versions of a page are initially marked as drafts and remain so until a user with revision review rights checks and approves the page.

Activating the acceptance feature

What are page drafts?[edit | edit source]

In BlueSpice, you can create draft versions of a page. Published or accepted versions of After a page will be shown on the main page and the draft versions can be accessed by has been edited and saved in draft mode readers of the page will, by default, see the most recently accepted version of the page. This allows editors to work on a draft version until all changes "fit". The changes can then be approved by users with reviewer rights.

By default, all users can see the latest draft version by clicking on the status information of a page . This functionality is known as the Acceptance feature of your quality management tools. Activating drafts or by switching to the version history. It is possible to limit view permissions of drafts to specific user groups.

Activating the acceptance feature[edit | edit source]

Activating the acceptance feature is done on the namespace level. A user with admin permissions checks that FlaggedRevs is activated for each namespace that should enable drafts. This is done activates the feature in Global actions > Management > Namespace manager:

Screenshot: flaggedrevs in the namespace manager

for individual namespaces. The dialog window opens after clicking the edit icon (wrench) in the Actions column. Select FlaggedRevs Approval and click Done.

Each page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1) and a quick link to publish the page (2)
Activate the Approval feature
Activate the Approval feature

Existing pages[edit | edit source]

After activating Approvals for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set into first draft mode.
Screenshot of draft banner notice and page status information in the status bar.
Draft banner notice (1) and page status information in the status bar (2).

Existing pages[edit | edit source]

After activating FlaggedRevs for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set in draft mode. Users with read permissions will always see the latest accepted version of a page. Since the existing page is considered accepted, all users can see the page content that was visible before FlaggedRevs was activatedEach page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1) and a quick link to publish the page (2).

New pages[edit | edit source]

When a new page is created and first saved, it will automatically be visible to all users. If you do not want to show any information on the page, simply save the new page empty or with a short notification, such as "In progress" and immediately publish it: Subsequent page edits will be collected in the draft version of the page. If a page is edited and saved multiple times while in draft mode, each edit gets logged in the version history:
Draft revisions
Draft revisions

The revisions during in draft status have a dotted border and are highlighted in orange. In addition, they are marked as pending review. These revisions can be compared before the pending changes of the page are accepted.

Accepting a page[edit | edit source]

Users with review rights can accept a draft page any time they save a page (Accept this unreviewed page):

Accepting pending changes
Accepting pending changes

If the page is not accepted when the file is being savedat this point, it can be accepted independently from the editing process.

A user with review user rights can accept the page quickly with the review feature in the title section of the page. The draft message will display an arrow which includes the accept function:

Accepting a draft from the title section
Accepting a draft from the title section

Alternatively, the reviewer can go to the Acceptance page in the Quality Management toolbar instead:

Accepting a draft from the QM-Tools
Accepting a draft from the QM-Tools

In both cases, the reviewer can leave a comment. This comment will then be shown in the version history of the page.

Although the acceptance feature uses the term first draft, there is no further distinction between drafts. A page is therefore either in first draft or in accepted status.

Once the page has been accepted and until it is further being edited, the page The page now shows the page version as accepted: .

Accepted page
Accepted page

Setting read permissions for drafts[edit | edit source]

By default, all users can see the drafts of a page, even readers. In the default BlueSpice installation, users have the role "reader".

To hide drafts from readers, the group user has to be removed from the configuration. An administrator deletes the group user form "Show unstable pages for the following groups" in Global actions > Management > Config manager:

Screenshot: flaggedrevs configuration

Warning: If the group user is removed from the BlueSpiceFlaggedRevs configuration, users in this group will not be able to see draft versions when they are added as reviewers in a review process.

When the group user is removed, only sysop and reviewer users can access drafts. If you want other groups, for example editor, to see draft versions, you need to add them to the configuration and save it:

Screenshot: flaggedrevsconnector add group

The two checkboxes Automatically set the page to stable... (checkbox is available until version 3.1.) and Automatically delete the workflow... determine what happens at the end of a workflow, if there is an active Review for a page. A page can be set to accepted status by a workflow and the workflow can be deleted after the page is marked as stable.

Note: If no user groups are specified in the configuration field, not even reviewers and sysops users will see a visual status indication of a page. They will have access to drafts through the revision history of a page instead.

Anyone with edit permissions will receive a notification that there are pending page changes for the page when they access the page in edit mode:

Pending changes notification
Template changes
Pending changes notification

Changes to embedded templates and files[edit | edit source]

If a page uses templates includes templates or files such as images or PDFs and there is a change to these files after the template page itselfhas been approved, it will also create a draft for this page. This will show up as a 0 Drafts () notice in your quality management toolbar under Acceptance. To update the page, simply click review now to see the changes and accept the change:

Screenshot: flaggedrevs after template change

Related info

this will also be reflected in the status banner (1) and the QM status information in the title area (2).

Changes to embedded resources
Changes to embedded resources

If the embedded resources are located in a namespace without its own approval function, the version of the resource at the time of page approval is displayed in the approved version of the page. The draft version accordingly shows the most current version of the embedded resource. To approve the resource change, the page has to be approved again. This creates a new page version.

Approving a resource[edit | edit source]

Before approving the changed resource(s), you should check which resources are affected.

  1. Open the quality management tools (1). Here you can see under Approval that there are changes to resources (2).
  2. Click on a changed resource (3) to display the changes between the last two versions of the resource.
  3. Click "Review now" (4) under Unapproved changes. This will take you to the draft version of the page. From there you can approve the page in the title area. Note: If there are several changed resources, they can only be approved together.

Approving a ressource
Approving a ressource

Settings for resources on approved pages[edit | edit source]

It is possible via server configuration to show embedded resources (i.e., files, templates or transcluded content) that were changed after the page has been released, in a certain version. The following options exist:

Setting Description
FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE Shows the resource version that was valid when the page was approved.
Warning:The setting FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE for handling the state of included files of an approved wikipage has no long term support by and should not be introduced in a new wiki for that reason.

FR_INCLUDES_STABLE Always shows the latest approved (stable) version of a resource, even if it was approved after the page was approved (this works only if the resource is located in a namespace with active approval feature).
FR_INCLUDES_CURRENT Always shows the latest version of the included resource.

Important! Results of a semantic query, unlike attribute values cannot be "frozen", even if FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE has been set. The query results do not persist in the source text of a page, but are generated dynamically at the time of the query. As a consequence, they are not available for versioning.

Effects on Semantic MediaWiki properties[edit | edit source]

Wenn in einem Namensraum gleichzeitig mit der Seitenfreigabe auch Semantic MediaWiki aktiviert ist, sind je nach Freigabestatus der Seite folgende Attribute für SMW-Abfragen verfügbar:

Document state Available properties
First draft Current values
Approved Values of the approved (stable) version
Draft Values of the approved (stable) version (default setting)
Implicit draft[1] Values of the approved (stable) version

The availability of the semantic properties is determined by the following configuration setting:

                $bsgFlaggedRevsConnectorStabilizeSMWPropertyValues = true;


The value for this setting can be set to false in the LocalSettings.php of the server file system. If set to false, the property values of the draft version are used for semantic queries instead of the values for the stable version.

Quality management overview[edit | edit source]

The Special page Special:Quality_management_overview allows users with admin or reviewer rights to view and filter a list of wiki pages and their review status.

Special page Quality management overview
Special page Quality management overview

Related info

  1. An approved page has an implicit draft, if there have been changes to embedded resources (e.g., a template or an image) since the last page approval.
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Page approvals}} (Acceptance)}}
        The extension '''FlaggedRevs''' is a MediaWiki extension that activates an approval mechanism. New versions of a page are initially marked as drafts and remain so until a user with revision''review'' rights checks and approves the page.
        {{TOC|limit=1}}==Activating the acceptance feature
            ==What are page drafts?==
        In BlueSpice, you can create draft versions of a page. Published or accepted versions of a page will be shown on the main page and the draft versions can be accessed by After a page has been edited and saved in draft mode readers of the page will, by default, see the most recently accepted version of the page. This allows editors to work on a draft version until all changes "fit". The changes can then be approved by users with reviewer rights.
            By default, all users can see the latest draft version by clicking on the status information of a page. This functionality is known as the '''Acceptance''' feature of your quality management tools. Activating drafts  or by switching to the [[Using the Version History|version history]]. It is possible to limit view permissions of drafts to specific user groups.
            ==Activating the acceptance feature==
            Activating the acceptance feature is done on the namespace level. A user with admin permissions checks that ''FlaggedRevs'' is activated for each namespace that should enable drafts. This is done activates the feature in ''Global actions > Management > Namespace manager'':
            <br />
            [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-namespace.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs in the namespace manager|center|650x650px]]
         for individual namespaces.
        The dialog window opens after clicking the edit icon (wrench) in the ''Actions'' column. Select FlaggedRevs''Approval'' and click ''Done''.
            Each page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1)  and a quick link to publish the page (2).<br />
            [[File:Manual:approval-namespace.png|alt=Activate the Approval feature|center|thumb|450x450px|Activate the Approval feature]]
            ===Existing pages===
            After activating ''Approvals'' for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set into ''first draft'' mode.  [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|alt=Screenshot of draft banner notice and page status information in the status bar.|center|650x650px|thumb|Draft banner notice (1) and page status information in the status bar (2).]]
            ===Existing pages===
            After activating ''FlaggedRevs'' for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set in draft mode.  Users with ''read'' permissions will always see the latest accepted version of a page. Since the existing page is considered ''accepted'', all users can see the page content that was visible before ''FlaggedRevs'' was activated. 
        Each page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1)  and a quick link to publish the page (2).
        ===New pages===
        When a new page is created and first saved, it will automatically be visible to all users. If you do not want to show any information on the page, simply save the new page empty or with a short notification, such as "In progress" and immediately publish it:
            <br />Subsequent page edits will  be collected in the draft version of the page. If a page is edited and saved multiple times while in draft mode, each edit gets logged in the version history:<br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-revisions.png|alt=Screenshot:Draft revisions|center|650x650px]]
            The revisions during|thumb|Draft revisions]]
            The revisions in draft status have a dotted border and are highlighted in orange. In addition, they are marked as ''pending review''. These revisions can be compared before the pending changes of the page are accepted.
        ==Accepting a page==
        Users with ''review'' rights can accept a draft page any time they save a page (''Accept this unreviewed page''):<br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|alt=Screenshot: saving a page with flaggedrevs|center|650x650pxAccepting pending changes|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepting pending changes]]
        If the page is not accepted when the file is being savedat this point, it can be accepted independently from the editing process.
        A review user with ''review'' rights can accept the page quickly with the review feature in the title section of the page. The draft message will display an arrow which includes the ''accept'' function:
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft.png|alt=Screenshot: review feature inAccepting a draft from the title section|center|277x277px|thumb|Accepting a draft from the title section]]
        Alternatively, the reviewer can go to the Acceptance page in the Quality Management toolbar instead:
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft2.png|alt=Screenshot: Acceptance page in QM tools|center|650x650pxAccepting a draft from the QM-Tools|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepting a draft from the QM-Tools]]
        In both cases, the reviewer can leave a comment. This comment will then be shown in the version history of the page.
        Although the acceptance feature uses the term ''first draft'', there is no further distinction between drafts. A page is therefore either in ''first draft'' or in ''accepted'' status.
            Once the page has been accepted and until it is further being edited, the page The page now shows the page version as accepted:.
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptedpage.png|alt=Screenshot: accepted Accepted page version|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepted page]]
        ==Setting read permissions for drafts==
        By default, all users can see the drafts of a page, even readers. 
        In the default BlueSpice installation, users have the role "reader". 
        To hide drafts from readers, the group ''user'' has to be removed from the configuration. An administrator deletes the group user form "Show unstable pages for the following groups" in ''Global actions > Management > Config manager'':
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs configuration|center|650x650px]]
        <br />{{Box Note|boxtype=warning|Note text=If the group ''user'' is removed from the ''BlueSpiceFlaggedRevs'' configuration, users in this group will not be able to see draft versions when they are added as reviewers in a review process.}}
        When the group user is removed, only ''sysop'' and ''reviewer'' users can access drafts. If you want other groups, for example ''editor'', to see draft versions, you need to add them to the configuration and save it:
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config-addgroup.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevsconnector add group|center|650x650px]]
        <br />The two checkboxes  ''Automatically set the page to stable...'' (checkbox is available until version 3.1.) and ''Automatically delete the workflow..''. determine what happens at the end of a workflow, if there is an active [[Manual:Extension/BlueSpiceReview|Review]] for a page. A page can be set to accepted status by a workflow and the workflow can be deleted after the page is marked as stable.
        {{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=If no user groups are specified in the configuration field, not even reviewers and sysops users will see a visual status indication of a page. They will have access to drafts through the revision history of a page instead.}}
        Anyone with edit permissions will receive a notification that there are pending page changes for the page when they access the page in edit mode:
        <br />
        [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-editnotification.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs edit Pending changes notification|center|550x550px]]
            ==Template changes==
            If a page uses templates |thumb|Pending changes notification]]
            ==Changes to embedded templates and files==
            If a page includes templates or files such as images or PDFs and there is a change to the template page itself, it will also create a draft for this page. This will show up as a ''0 Drafts ()'' notice in your quality management toolbar under ''Acceptance''. To update the page, simply click ''review now'' to see the changes and accept the change'':''
            <br />
            [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-templatechange.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs after template change|center|650x650px]]
            <br />
        these files after the page has been approved, this will also be reflected in the status banner (1) and the QM status information in the title area (2).
            <br />
            [[File:Manual:fr-changestoresources1.png|alt=Changes to embedded resources|center|thumb|650x650px|Changes to embedded resources]]
            <br />
            If the embedded resources are located  in a namespace without its own approval function, the version of the resource at the time of page approval is displayed in the approved version of the page. The draft version accordingly shows the most current version of the embedded resource. To approve the resource change, the page has to be approved again. This creates a new page version.
            ===Approving a resource===
            Before approving the changed resource(s), you should check which resources are affected.
            #'''Open''' the quality management tools (1). Here you can see under Approval that there are changes to resources (2).
            #'''Click''' on a changed resource (3) to display the changes between the last two versions of the resource.
            #'''Click''' "''Review now''" (4) under Unapproved changes. This will take you to the draft version of the page. From there you can approve the page in the title area. '''Note:''' If there are several changed resources, they can only be approved together.
            [[File:Manual:fr-approvingressource2.png|alt=Approving a ressource|center|thumb|650x650px|Approving a ressource]]
            <br />
            ==Settings for resources on approved pages==
            It is possible via server configuration to  show embedded resources (i.e., files, templates or transcluded content) that were changed after the page has been released, in a certain version. The following options exist:
            {| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;" data-ve-attributes="{&quot;style&quot;:&quot;width:100%;&quot;}"
            |Shows the resource version that was valid when the page was approved.<div class="infobox notification-warning"><span class="boxlabel"> Warning:</span>The setting FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE for handling the state of included files of an approved wikipage has [https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/rEFLRe4ff4779203d4ec44cdadcfa33f6d634bee1a7f1 no long term support by] and should not be introduced in a new wiki for that reason.</div><br />
            |Always shows the latest approved (stable) version of a resource, even if it was approved after the page was approved (this works only if the resource is located in a namespace with active approval feature).
            |Always shows the latest version of the included resource.
            {{Box Note|boxtype=important|Note text=Results of a '''semantic query''', unlike attribute values '''cannot''' be "frozen", even if FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE has been set. The query results do not persist in the source text of a page, but are generated dynamically at the time of the query. As a consequence, they are not available for versioning.}}
            ==Effects on Semantic MediaWiki properties==
            Wenn in einem <span class="mw-lingo-term" data-lingo-term-id="4e8b643999af9bbcd46206fddd4f6f53" data-hasqtip="6" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(187, 187, 255); cursor: default;">Namensraum</span> gleichzeitig mit der Seitenfreigabe auch [[:de:Handbuch:Semantic_MediaWiki|Semantic MediaWiki]] aktiviert ist, sind je nach Freigabestatus der Seite folgende Attribute für SMW-Abfragen verfügbar:
            {| class="wikitable" style="width:950px;"
            ! style="background-color:rgb(234, 236, 240);text-align:center;box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Document state
            ! style="background-color:rgb(234, 236, 240);text-align:center;box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Available properties
            |- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |First draft
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Current values
            |- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Approved
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version
            |- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Draft
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version (default setting)
            |- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Implicit draft<ref>An approved page has an implicit draft, if there have been changes to embedded resources (e.g., a template or an image) since the last page approval.</ref>
            | style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version
            The availability of the semantic properties is determined by the following configuration setting:
             $bsgFlaggedRevsConnectorStabilizeSMWPropertyValues = true;
            The value for this setting can be set to ''false'' in the ''LocalSettings.php'' <span>of the server file system</span>. If set to f''alse,'' the property values of the draft version are used for semantic queries instead of the values for the stable version.
            == Quality management overview ==
            The Special page ''Special:Quality_management_overview'' allows users with ''admin'' or ''reviewer'' rights to view and filter a list of wiki pages and their review status.
            [[File:Manual:qm-overview.png|alt=Special page Quality management overview|center|thumb|650x650px|Special page Quality management overview]]
        {{Box Links-en
            |Topic2=[[Manual:Quality_management|Quality management tools]]
        Manual:Quality_management|Quality management tools]]
            |Topic3=[[Reference:BlueSpiceFlaggedRevsConnector]]|Topic4=[[Manual:Semantic MediaWiki]]}}
            <references />
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Page approvals}}The extension '''FlaggedRevs''' is a MediaWiki extension that activates an approval mechanism. New versions of a page are initially marked as drafts and remain so until a user with revision rights checks and approves the page.
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Page approvals (Acceptance)}}
{{TOC|limit=1}}==Activating the acceptance feature==
In BlueSpice, you can create draft versions of a page. Published or accepted versions of a page will be shown on the main page and the draft versions can be accessed by clicking on the status information of a page. This functionality is known as the '''Acceptance''' feature of your quality management tools. Activating drafts is done on the namespace level. A user with admin permissions checks that ''FlaggedRevs'' is activated for each namespace that should enable drafts. This is done in ''Global actions > Management > Namespace manager'':
The extension '''FlaggedRevs''' is a MediaWiki extension that activates an approval mechanism. New versions of a page are initially marked as drafts and remain so until a user with ''review'' rights approves the page.
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-namespace.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs in the namespace manager|center|650x650px]]
==What are page drafts?==
In BlueSpice, you can create draft versions of a page. After a page has been edited and saved in draft mode readers of the page will, by default, see the most recently accepted version of the page. This allows editors to work on a draft version until all changes "fit". The changes can then be approved by users with reviewer rights.
By default, all users can see the latest draft version by clicking on the status information of a page or by switching to the [[Using the Version History|version history]]. It is possible to limit view permissions of drafts to specific user groups.
==Activating the acceptance feature==
Activating the acceptance feature is done on the namespace level. A user with admin permissions activates the feature in ''Global actions > Management > Namespace manager'' for individual namespaces.
The dialog window opens after clicking the edit icon (wrench) in the ''Actions'' column. Select ''Approval'' and click ''Done''.<br />
[[File:Manual:approval-namespace.png|alt=Activate the Approval feature|center|thumb|450x450px|Activate the Approval feature]]
The dialog window opens after clicking the edit icon (wrench) in the ''Actions'' column. Select FlaggedRevs and click ''Done''.
Each page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1)  and a quick link to publish the page (2).[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|alt=Screenshot of draft banner notice and page status information in the status bar.|center|650x650px|thumb|Draft banner notice (1) and page status information in the status bar (2).]]
===Existing pages===
===Existing pages===
After activating ''FlaggedRevs'' for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set in draft mode.  Users with ''read'' permissions will always see the latest accepted version of a page. Since the existing page is considered ''accepted'', all users can see the page content that was visible before ''FlaggedRevs'' was activated.  
After activating ''Approvals'' for a namespace, all pages in the namespace are set into ''first draft'' mode.  [[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-existingpage.png|alt=Screenshot of draft banner notice and page status information in the status bar.|center|650x650px|thumb|Draft banner notice (1) and page status information in the status bar (2).]]Each page in the namespace now displays a banner at the top of the page with the acceptance status (1)  and a quick link to publish the page (2).
===New pages===
===New pages===
When a new page is created and first saved, it will automatically be visible to all users. If you do not want to show any information on the page, simply save the new page empty or with a short notification, such as "In progress" and immediately publish it:
When a new page is created and first saved, it will automatically be visible to all users. Subsequent page edits will  be collected in the draft version of the page. If a page is edited and saved multiple times while in draft mode, each edit gets logged in the version history:<br />[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-revisions.png|alt=Draft revisions|center|650x650px|thumb|Draft revisions]]
<br />Subsequent page edits will  be collected in the draft version of the page. If a page is edited and saved multiple times while in draft mode, each edit gets logged in the version history:<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-revisions.png|alt=Screenshot: revisions|center|650x650px]]
The revisions during draft status have a dotted border and are highlighted in orange. In addition, they are marked as ''pending review''. These revisions can be compared before the pending changes of the page are accepted.
The revisions in draft status have a dotted border and are highlighted in orange. In addition, they are marked as ''pending review''. These revisions can be compared before the pending changes of the page are accepted.
==Accepting a page==
==Accepting a page==
Users with ''review'' rights can accept a draft page any time they save a page (''Accept this unreviewed page''):<br />
Users with ''review'' rights can accept a draft page any time they save a page (''Accept this unreviewed page''):<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|alt=Screenshot: saving a page with flaggedrevs|center|650x650px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|link=https://en.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/File:Manual:flaggedrevs-activated-firstsave.png|alt=Accepting pending changes|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepting pending changes]]
If the page is not accepted when the file is being saved, it can be accepted independently from the editing process.
If the page is not accepted at this point, it can be accepted independently from the editing process.
A review user can accept the page quickly with the review feature in the title section of the page. The draft message will display an arrow which includes the ''accept'' function:
A user with ''review'' rights can accept the page quickly with the review feature in the title section of the page. The draft message will display an arrow which includes the ''accept'' function:
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft.png|alt=Screenshot: review feature in the title section|center|277x277px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft.png|alt=Accepting a draft from the title section|center|277x277px|thumb|Accepting a draft from the title section]]
Alternatively, the reviewer can go to the Acceptance page in the Quality Management toolbar instead:
Alternatively, the reviewer can go to the Acceptance page in the Quality Management toolbar instead:
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft2.png|alt=Screenshot: Acceptance page in QM tools|center|650x650px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptdraft2.png|alt=Accepting a draft from the QM-Tools|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepting a draft from the QM-Tools]]
In both cases, the reviewer can leave a comment. This comment will then be shown in the version history of the page.
In both cases, the reviewer can leave a comment. This comment will then be shown in the version history of the page.
Although the acceptance feature uses the term ''first draft'', there is no further distinction between drafts. A page is therefore either in ''first draft'' or in ''accepted'' status.
The page now shows the page version as accepted.
<br />[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptedpage.png|alt=Accepted page|center|650x650px|thumb|Accepted page]]
Once the page has been accepted and until it is further being edited, the page now shows the page version as accepted:
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-acceptedpage.png|alt=Screenshot: accepted page version|center|650x650px]]
==Setting read permissions for drafts==
==Setting read permissions for drafts==
By default, all users can see the drafts of a page, even readers.  In the default BlueSpice installation, users have the role "reader".  
By default, all users can see the drafts of a page, even readers.  
To hide drafts from readers, the group ''user'' has to be removed from the configuration. An administrator deletes the group user form "Show unstable pages for the following groups" in ''Global actions > Management > Config manager'':
To hide drafts from readers, the group ''user'' has to be removed from the configuration. An administrator deletes the group user form "Show unstable pages for the following groups" in ''Global actions > Management > Config manager'':
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs configuration|center|650x650px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs configuration|center|650x650px]]
<br />{{Box Note|boxtype=warning|Note text=If the group ''user'' is removed from the ''BlueSpiceFlaggedRevs'' configuration, users in this group will not be able to see draft versions when they are added as reviewers in a review process.}}When the group user is removed, only ''sysop'' and ''reviewer'' users can access drafts. If you want other groups, for example ''editor'', to see draft versions, you need to add them to the configuration and save it:
<br />{{Box Note|boxtype=warning|Note text=If the group ''user'' is removed from the ''BlueSpiceFlaggedRevs'' configuration, users in this group will not be able to see draft versions when they are added as reviewers in a review process.}}
When the group user is removed, only ''sysop'' and ''reviewer'' users can access drafts. If you want other groups, for example ''editor'', to see draft versions, you need to add them to the configuration and save it:
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config-addgroup.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevsconnector add group|center|650x650px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-config-addgroup.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevsconnector add group|center|650x650px]]
<br />The two checkboxes  ''Automatically set the page to stable...'' and ''Automatically delete the workflow..''. determine what happens at the end of a workflow, if there is an active [[Manual:Extension/BlueSpiceReview|Review]] for a page. A page can be set to accepted status by a workflow and the workflow can be deleted after the page is marked as stable.
<br />The two checkboxes  ''Automatically set the page to stable...'' (checkbox is available until version 3.1.) and ''Automatically delete the workflow..''. determine what happens at the end of a workflow, if there is an active [[Manual:Extension/BlueSpiceReview|Review]] for a page. A page can be set to accepted status by a workflow and the workflow can be deleted after the page is marked as stable.
{{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=If no user groups are specified in the configuration field, not even reviewers and sysops users will see a visual status indication of a page. They will have access to drafts through the revision history of a page instead.}}
{{Box Note|boxtype=note|Note text=If no user groups are specified in the configuration field, not even reviewers and sysops users will see a visual status indication of a page. They will have access to drafts through the revision history of a page instead.}}
Anyone with edit permissions will receive a notification that there are pending page changes for the page when they access the page in edit mode:
Anyone with edit permissions will receive a notification that there are pending changes for the page when they access the page in edit mode:
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-editnotification.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs edit notification|center|550x550px]]
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-editnotification.png|alt=Pending changes notification|center|550x550px|thumb|Pending changes notification]]
==Changes to embedded templates and files==
If a page includes templates or files such as images or PDFs and there is a change to these files after the page has been approved, this will also be reflected in the status banner (1) and the QM status information in the title area (2).
==Template changes==
If a page uses templates and there is a change to the template page itself, it will also create a draft for this page. This will show up as a ''0 Drafts ()'' notice in your quality management toolbar under ''Acceptance''. To update the page, simply click ''review now'' to see the changes and accept the change'':''
<br />
<br />
[[File:Manual:flaggedrevs-templatechange.png|alt=Screenshot: flaggedrevs after template change|center|650x650px]]
[[File:Manual:fr-changestoresources1.png|alt=Changes to embedded resources|center|thumb|650x650px|Changes to embedded resources]]
<br />
<br />
If the embedded resources are located  in a namespace without its own approval function, the version of the resource at the time of page approval is displayed in the approved version of the page. The draft version accordingly shows the most current version of the embedded resource. To approve the resource change, the page has to be approved again. This creates a new page version.
===Approving a resource===
Before approving the changed resource(s), you should check which resources are affected.
#'''Open''' the quality management tools (1). Here you can see under Approval that there are changes to resources (2).
#'''Click''' on a changed resource (3) to display the changes between the last two versions of the resource.
#'''Click''' "''Review now''" (4) under Unapproved changes. This will take you to the draft version of the page. From there you can approve the page in the title area. '''Note:''' If there are several changed resources, they can only be approved together.
[[File:Manual:fr-approvingressource2.png|alt=Approving a ressource|center|thumb|650x650px|Approving a ressource]]
<br />
==Settings for resources on approved pages==
It is possible via server configuration to  show embedded resources (i.e., files, templates or transcluded content) that were changed after the page has been released, in a certain version. The following options exist:
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;" data-ve-attributes="{&quot;style&quot;:&quot;width:100%;&quot;}"
|Shows the resource version that was valid when the page was approved.<div class="infobox notification-warning"><span class="boxlabel"> Warning:</span>The setting FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE for handling the state of included files of an approved wikipage has [https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/rEFLRe4ff4779203d4ec44cdadcfa33f6d634bee1a7f1 no long term support by] and should not be introduced in a new wiki for that reason.</div><br />
|Always shows the latest approved (stable) version of a resource, even if it was approved after the page was approved (this works only if the resource is located in a namespace with active approval feature).
|Always shows the latest version of the included resource.
{{Box Note|boxtype=important|Note text=Results of a '''semantic query''', unlike attribute values '''cannot''' be "frozen", even if FR_INCLUDES_FREEZE has been set. The query results do not persist in the source text of a page, but are generated dynamically at the time of the query. As a consequence, they are not available for versioning.}}
==Effects on Semantic MediaWiki properties==
Wenn in einem <span class="mw-lingo-term" data-lingo-term-id="4e8b643999af9bbcd46206fddd4f6f53" data-hasqtip="6" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(187, 187, 255); cursor: default;">Namensraum</span> gleichzeitig mit der Seitenfreigabe auch [[:de:Handbuch:Semantic_MediaWiki|Semantic MediaWiki]] aktiviert ist, sind je nach Freigabestatus der Seite folgende Attribute für SMW-Abfragen verfügbar:
{| class="wikitable" style="width:950px;"
! style="background-color:rgb(234, 236, 240);text-align:center;box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Document state
! style="background-color:rgb(234, 236, 240);text-align:center;box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Available properties
|- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |First draft
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Current values
|- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Approved
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version
|- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Draft
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version (default setting)
|- style="box-sizing: inherit;"
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Implicit draft<ref>An approved page has an implicit draft, if there have been changes to embedded resources (e.g., a template or an image) since the last page approval.</ref>
| style="box-sizing:inherit;padding:0.2em 0.4em;border:1px solid rgb(162, 169, 177);" |Values of the approved (stable) version
The availability of the semantic properties is determined by the following configuration setting:
$bsgFlaggedRevsConnectorStabilizeSMWPropertyValues = true;
The value for this setting can be set to ''false'' in the ''LocalSettings.php'' <span>of the server file system</span>. If set to f''alse,'' the property values of the draft version are used for semantic queries instead of the values for the stable version.
== Quality management overview ==
The Special page ''Special:Quality_management_overview'' allows users with ''admin'' or ''reviewer'' rights to view and filter a list of wiki pages and their review status.
[[File:Manual:qm-overview.png|alt=Special page Quality management overview|center|thumb|650x650px|Special page Quality management overview]]
{{Box Links-en
{{Box Links-en
|Topic1=[[Manual:Quality_management|Quality management tools]]
|Topic2=[[Manual:Quality_management|Quality management tools]]
|Topic3=[[Reference:BlueSpiceFlaggedRevsConnector]]|Topic4=[[Manual:Semantic MediaWiki]]}}
<references />

