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Extension: BlueSpiceReaders

Description: Displays the profile pictures of wiki article visitors below the article .
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki, BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: -
Type: BlueSpice Category: - Data Analysis
Edition: BlueSpiceFree"BlueSpiceFree" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property., BlueSpicePro"BlueSpicePro" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property.

Features[edit source]

Readers lets you see which users already visited an article.

Technical background[edit | edit source]

Similar to the extension Authors, users are registered and displayed under an article with the help of small icons or pictures.

Functions[edit | edit source]

Display of readers[edit | edit source]

Screenshot: Display of visitor icons below an article.

Every reader of an article will be registered and displayed under an article. Click on the "Readers" tab beside "Authors" to see them. You will either see the individual Avatar or a profile picture uploaded by the user.

Special page "Readers"[edit | edit source]

Administrators can access the special page Special:Readers/Name_of_the_article to get an overview of all visitors of a page.
On the special page you will see a list of all visitors of an article, along with the user name and the date of the last visit.

Settings[edit | edit source]

As Admin you can decide via the settings in Special:Preferences if and how many "visitors" of an article shall be displayed.

Permissions[edit | edit source]

Name Description Standard group
viewreaders The user may see the readers of an article bool
  • The "Readers" bar is visible in view mode
  • There is no bar on special pages
  • If the user has no "read" permission, the bar will not show
        |desc=Displays the profile pictures of wiki article visitors below the article.
        |edition=BlueSpiceFree, BlueSpicePro
        BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro
        |compatible=MediaWiki, BlueSpice
        |category=Data Analysis
        '''Readers''' lets you see which users already visited an article.
        ==Technical background==
        Similar to the extension [[Authors]], users are registered and displayed under an article with the help of small icons or pictures.
        ===Display of readers===
        [[File:BlueSpice2-Readers-Anzeige.png|thumb|left|220px|Screenshot: Display of visitor icons below an article.]]
        Every reader of an article will be registered and displayed under an article. Click on the "Readers" tab beside "Authors" to see them. You will either see the individual [[Avatars|Avatar]] or a profile picture uploaded by the user.
        ===Special page "Readers"===
        Administrators can access the special page <code>Special:Readers/Name_of_the_article</code> to get an overview of all visitors of a page.<br/>
        On the special page you will see a list of all visitors of an article, along with the user name and the date of the last visit.
        As Admin you can decide via the settings in <code>Special:Preferences</code> if and how many "visitors" of an article shall be displayed.
        {| class="contenttable sortable"
        !|Standard group
        ||The user may see the readers of an article
        * The "Readers" bar is visible in view mode
        * There is no bar on special pages
        * If the user has no "read" permission, the bar will not show
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|desc=Displays the profile pictures of wiki article visitors below the article.
|desc=Displays the profile pictures of wiki article visitors below the article
|edition=BlueSpiceFree, BlueSpicePro
|edition=BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro
|compatible=MediaWiki, BlueSpice
|compatible=MediaWiki, BlueSpice
|category=Data Analysis

