
The notifications system alerts users about all important changes in the wiki. Since notifications are sent for many events, users can set when and how often they want to receice these notifications and for what events.

Viewing notifications

To view your notification preferences, click Notifications in the user profile menu.

Notifications menu option

This opens the notifications page. The notifications page has the following functionality:

1 - Notification filter: The filter menu lists notifications by pages. Clilcking on a page name shows only the notifications for that page.

2 - Notification status filter: You can show all notifications as well as read or unread notifications.

3 - Settings menu: Here, you can go to the preferences page to limit the types of notifications you want to receive.

4 - Notification: Clicking on a notification marks it as read. Alternatively, you can click on the blue status icon. Read notifications are marked with a dark background and an empty status icon.

Notifications page

Notification preferences

