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Page Forms

< Manual:Extension
Revision as of 13:15, 24 November 2020 by Mgessner (talk | contribs)

Page Forms allows users without administrator rights to use forms to create and edit pages for querying data - without programming.

Main features

  • Definition pages in the namespace Form The definition pages consist of markup code. This is analyzed when a user switches to a form. Since forms are defined exclusively via these definition pages, users can create and modify forms themselves without any actual programming.
  • Application example: info boxes The extension is often used to add and edit infobox templates within pages. If Cargo or Semantic MediaWiki is used, the data in the templates can be stored and retrieved.
  • Edit existing data via menu item Existing data can be changed using the menu item "Edit with form".
  • Automatic completion of fields Users are offered existing values when entering them. This reduces problems with naming ambiguities, spelling, etc.
  • Free text field Free text on the page is not ignored when the page is processed with a form. Instead, it is displayed in a separate input field called "Free text" for editing.

Special pages

Page Forms defines some special pages that are used for data input and data maintenance.

Among others, the following special pages are important for data collection:

Manual:Erweiterung-Page Forms-12190872.drawio.png

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