
Revision as of 15:51, 26 April 2018 by Lsireta (talk | contribs)

Extension: CheckUser

Description: is an extension that allows a user with permission to check which IPs are used by a given username and which usernames are used by a given IP, without having to run queries directly against the database by hand.
State: stable Dependency:
Developer: Tim Starling, Aaron Schulz License: -
Type: MediaWiki Category: -
Edition: BlueSpice free
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


CheckUser enables you to check the IP address and other information of users. Users who are part of the "Checkuser" group can check the allocation of IP addresses and user names (and vice versa) without having to access the database. By the way: this is a feature also used by Wikipedia.

More information about CheckUser can be found here.

