
Revision as of 12:39, 9 October 2018 by Fbaeckmann (talk | contribs)

Extension: Lockdown

Description: implements per-namespace group permissions.
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Daniel Kinzler License: GPL v2+
Type: MediaWiki Category: Security
Edition: BlueSpice"BlueSpice" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property.
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


Lockdown group permissions per namespace.

The Lockdown extension implements a way to restrict access to specific namespaces and special pages to a given set of user groups. This provides a more finely grained security model than the one provided by the default $wgGroupPermissions and $wgNamespaceProtection settings.

The following pages about the security model used by MediaWiki per default may be helpful to understand the instructions below:

Managing groups[<a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Extension:Lockdown&action=edit&section=7" title="Edit section: Managing groups">edit]

You can control which user belongs to which groups with the page Special:Userrights. Only existing groups will be proposed, but you can "create" a new group by creating an entry for it in Manual:$wgGroupPermissions(even if you don't actually need to set a permission there, but it has to appear on the left hand side of the array). 

For more information please visit MediaWiki.

