
Extension: RSS-Feeds

Description: displays RSS feed in a wiki page.
State: stable Dependency:
Developer: K. Elliott-McCrea, Mutante, Duesentrieb, Rdb, and others License: -
Type: MediaWiki Category: -
Edition: BlueSpice free
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


RSS Feeds displays RSS feed in a wiki page.

Use a RSS tag for each feed:

<rss max=4 highlight="MediaWiki BlueSpice"></rss>

The rss element can contain parameters if you provide them as attributes to the rss element:

attribute description
template="name" Encodation of the feed. You need iconv for conversions
item-max-length="1000" maximum lenght of text that is shown
date="(Y-m-d H:i:s)" shows date and time
max="n" shows at most the given number of elements
highlight="term1 term2 ..." highlight selected terms in different colours
filter="term1 term2 ..." show only RSS items with at least one of the terms
filterout="term1 term2 ..." do not show any RSS item containing any of these terms
reverse display the RSS items in reverse order

A detailed description you will find on


<rss max=4 highlight="MediaWiki BlueSpice"></rss>

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