- Last edited 7 years ago by Lsireta
- This page is a draft but has an approved version
Technical background
The photos of the authors are added via their profile pages.
Tips for working with Authors:
- On print and PDF versions of the page, the usernames of the authors is given rather than the pictures.
* The administrator can set the number of author's photos displayed.
Where to find Authors
Pictures of the authors are displayed at the end (right at the bottom) of each article. The photo slightly separated on the left is the author who created this article. If an author has not uploaded a photo, an avatar will be displayed. If a user has been deleted there will be a dummy photo with a yellow question mark instead of his or her profile picture. When the mouse hovers over the photo, the username will be shown. Clicking on the picture takes you to that authors user page.
A user's own user page:
contains a field with the current profile image and the link "Change profile image" at the bottom.
This takes you to the dialogue to change your profile picture.
There are three possibilities to create a profile picture:
- Choose a new photo from explorer and upload it. The picture will then appear as your new profile photo.
- Use a link to an image in the wiki or in the web.
- Generate an (new) avatar.