
Revision as of 08:43, 5 April 2018 by Lsireta (talk | contribs)

Extension: RSSStandards

Description: builds RSS feeds based on different options.
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: -
Type: BlueSpice Category: Reporting
Edition: BlueSpice free, BlueSpice pro



RSSStandards builds RSS feeds based on different options. Special page that describes an enables RSS-Feeds for chosen areas of the MediaWiki.

Usage / Features

  • RSS links should also be made available on selected pages of the online manuals and the main namespace. help.png,
  • For page, namespace and category and watchlist, the pages are selected via a drop-down box,
  • The contents of the pages are rendered as HTML parsed,
  • The following RSS feeds are offered:
  • * last changes,
    • Own contributions,
    • Page: Selection via combobox. Also files, images, filtering on input,
    • Namespace: Selection by combobox,
    • Category: Selection by combobox,
    • Watchlist: Selection by combobox.

