
Extension: FlaggedRevs

Description: Allows for article content management by editors and reviewers.
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Aaron Schulz, Joerg Baach License: GPL v2+
Type: MediaWiki Category: Quality Assurance
Edition: BlueSpice pro
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


FlaggedRevs is a MediaWiki extension that activates an approval mechanism.

New versions of an article are initially marked as drafts and remain so until a user with revision rights checks and approves the page.

The MediaWiki extension is customized in BlueSpice. It uses the FlaggedRevsConnector to work alongside the work flow tool ReviewExtended, realising the complete functionality of an editorial process with a final approval step.

More info

For detailed description and usage, visit our help page.


You can try this extension in our BlueSpice Demo.

