No categories assigned

Training agendas

WikiteUser training 1

30 User interface: Layout, navigation, menus
15 Search: Quick search and search center
15 Create page: Creating a page / Choosing a page template / Understanding the title area
50 Edit page: Visual editor - Formating text, structuring a page / Insert content - media, tables, templates
10 Break
15 Categorizing pages: How and why?
15 Collaboration: Editing pages together / Page discussions
30 Wikitext: A first glance
60 Lunch break
30 Introduction to namespaces, categories, subpages
30 Page tools

Moving and redirecting pages

30 Changing profile and notification settings
10 Break
20 QA: Setting reminders and expiring pages

Inviting users to review a page

15:00 – 15:30 BlueSpice Social: Attachments, Discussions, Blog, Timeline