No categories assigned


Revision as of 14:11, 14 November 2017 by SnowWh1t3 (talk | contribs)


This is the "BSExtensionInfobox" template. It should be called in the following format:


semantic properties

semantic property template variable type multiple choice allowed values
Property:BSExtensionInfoName text
Property:BSExtensionInfoDescription desc text
Property:BSExtensionInfoStatus status text unknown, unstable, experimental, beta, stable, unmaintained
Property:BSExtensionInfoDeveloper developer text x
Property:BSExtensionInfoType type text MediaWiki, BlueSpice
Property:BSExtensionInfoEdition edition text x BlueSpiceFree,BlueSpicePro
Property:BSExtensionInfoActivated active bool Yes, No
Property:BSExtensionInfoCompatible compatible text x MediaWiki, BlueSpice
Property:BSExtensionInfoPackage package text Bookmaker, DocumentManager, Teamwork, SemanticData, PasteImage, ServiceCenter, VisualDiff, WikiExplorer, Reminder, RatedComments, ReadConfirmation
Property:BSExtensionInfoCategory category text Administration, Book, Communication, Content structuring, Data analysis, Document management, Editor, Export, Infrastructure, Mobile, Personalization, Quality assurance, Reporting, Rich articles, Search and navigation, Security, Skinning
Property:BSExtensionInfoDocumentation docu url x

Edit the page to see the template text.

