
Revision as of 15:17, 27 November 2017 by Lsireta (talk | contribs)

Extension: BlueSpiceBookshelfUI

Description: Provides a graphical interface for creating, editing and managing books.
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: -
Type: Category: Book
Edition: BlueSpice pro


Administration interface for books

Bookshelf UI provides a graphical interface for creating, editing and managing books. It consists of a book editor, a book management and an integrated navigation.

Books management
  • In the book management books can be created, copied and deleted.
  • When creating a title must be specified.
  • The already existing books are displayed in a list.
book Editor
  • The book editor displays the contents of a book in a hierarchical folder structure.
  • Book chapters are added in the form of wiki articles. A selection dialog opens for this purpose.
  • Book chapters can be renamed.
  • Book chapters can be dragged into the desired order by Drag'n'Drop.
  • Book chapters can be deleted via an icon. It is not the article itself deleted, but only taken from the book.
  • Metadata can be inserted via a dialog.
  • All changes will only become active after clicking on the "Save" button.
  • When saving, the bookshelf tags in the articles are copied (if desired).
  • It is possible to mark individual chapters for export.
  • If the user clicks on "Export selection", he receives a document in the selected format. At least one export extension must be activated for this.

Integrated navigation
  • The navigation is a separate tab in the sidebar.
  • It consists of two areas
    • Available Books shows a list of all the books stored in the system
    • Chapter shows the chapter navigation of the currently selected book.
  • The two areas are represented by an accordion grid. This also means that only one area is open at a time.
  • The ad will be preserved the same way the user selected it when the page was changed.

