
What is a subpage?

To structure wiki content, you can create subpages for a page. This is useful if you have a larger topic and you want to break this topic down into manageable chunks of information. For example, if you have a page about a car, you could have subpages about major car components such as Brakes and Transmission. Subpages can have subpages of their own.

Subpages are automatically displayed in the breadcrumb navigation of the page:


Characteristics of a subpage

  • Syntax-based: A slash in the page title creates a subpage (e.g., Installation Guide/System Preparation).
  • Navigation: A subpage creates navigation points (breadcrumb).

Creating a subpage

To create a subpage, it is simply appended to the page name with a slash without spaces. Subpages can in turn have subpages:

[[Installation Guide/System Preparation]]
[[Installation Guide/System Preparation/Windows]]
[[Installation Guide/System Preparation Windows/IIS]]

Note: Since MediaWiki interprets slashes as subpages, you should not use slashes in page names.

Reasons for using subpages

Typical applications for subpages are:

  • To create modular pages: For a larger topic, you can create a main page and link it to individual detail pages. The advantage is that the detail pages can then be specifically linked from other pages.
  • To maintain archives: If the discussions on the user discussion page become too long, file them in a subpage.
  • To translate a page: If the content of a page should be available in other languages. You can create a subpage in German for an English page, for example.
  • To document a template: If you have a very complex template, you can document its functionality in subpages of the template.

Technical details

For more information on using and listing subpages, you can read the MediaWiki help page on subpages.

