No categories assigned


The options for review workflows are provided by the extension BlueSpiceReviewExtended.

Review options

When you set up a new workflow, the following options are available:

  • Reviewer can edit the page: Everybody that is assigned as reviewer can edit the page while the review is active. Other users cannot edit the page during this time. If this box is not checked, then reviewers will also not be allowed to make changes to the page.
  • Follow the reviewer order: Reviewers need to cast their votes in sequence. Only when one is finished casting a vote, the next reviewer can start. The order of the reviewers can be adjusted by clicking on up and down arrows that appear when hovering over the reviewer in the grid.
  • Restart review if a reviewer rejects it: If any of the reviewers rejects the page, the review is restarted and all of the reviewers must cast their votes again.
Review options
Review options


To minimize the effort when starting a review, templates are introduced.

Managing templates

In BlueSpice 3.2

Click Manager next to the template select menu if you are already setting up a review.

Switch to the template manager
Switch to the template manager

Alternatively, you can create a workflow template by going to Global actions > Management > Review template manager in the navigation panel of the wiki.

Managing review templates in BlueSpice 3.2
Managing review templates in BlueSpice 3.2

Create a new template:

  1. Select if you want to create a template that is available to all users (1) or that is available only to you (2).
  2. Click the "+"-button (3). This opens the template dialog. Create your template.
    Creating a review template
    Creating a review template

  3. Enter a name.
  4. Select the template type:
    1. Default: The review is independent of settings in the Config manager. For reviews in namespaces with approvals, the page is not automatically approved at the end of the review.
    2. Approval: The review applies the settings from the Config manager for approving the page and for deleting the workflow after the workflow has successfully been completed. Pages in namespaces that do not create draft versions are not affected by this setting.
  5. If the template should only appear on pages in certain namespaces, specify the appropriate namespaces.
  6. If the template should only appear on pages that are assigned to certain categories, specify the categories.
  7. Select the review options described above.
  8. Use the "+"-button to add the reviewers. If you enter a comment here, it will be displayed in the version history. Note: A group vote can also be set up for an individual workflow step using the plus button. For this purpose, a wiki group is selected as the reviewer.
    Group vote
    Group vote
    1. Group: The group that will vote on the selected step.
    2. Comment: Comment that is displayed in the workflow and in the version history for this step.
    3. Required approvals: If this number is reached first, the process step will be completed positively.
    4. Required rejections: If this number is reached first, the process step will be completed negatively.
  9. Click Done.

The template can now be selected accordingly in a review.

In BlueSpice 3.1

Once the list of reviewers is entered and the other options have been set, enter the name for the template in the input field and click on the arrow next to the "Load" button. Several options are available:

  • Save for myself: The template will be shown only to the user who saves it
  • Save for everybody: the template will be shown to everybody

Pick the desired option and the template will be saved.

Creating a new template in BlueSpice 3.1
Creating a new template in BlueSpice 3.1

Applying a template

Once there are templates saved, users can choose from the list of templates. After clicking the "Load" button, the reviewers that have been saved in this template are added to the reviewer list.

In BlueSpice 3.1, only the list of reviewers is stored in the template.

Deleting a template

To delete a template, choose the template to delete, click on the arrow in the "Load" button and select "Delete".


In the Config manager, you can change the following settings:

  • Workflow will be added to page history: This enables that workflow votes are listed under the page history with the corresponding version.

workflow log entries in page history
workflow log entries in page history

Related info

