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< Manual:Extension
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What is BlueSpiceUniversalExport?

BlueSpiceUniversalExport allows for exporting wiki page content to various formats. It incorporates various modules, each serving as exporter for particular format or type of export.

Exporting pages

Export options

Every content page on the wiki is exportable. Export fuction can be found in the right navigation, under "Tools" tab (wrench icon). In "Export" section of this tab, all availble export formats can be found. Particular set of formats available depends on the wiki configuration. Clicking one of the provided options will download the page content in selected format.


As mentined above, BlueSpiceUniversalExport contains several modules:

  • BlueSpiceUEModulePDF - module for exporting pages in PDF (.pdf) format. It offers downloading single page that is currently being viewed (option PDF single page), or current page including all its subpages (option PDF page with subpages).
  • BlueSpiceUEModuleHTML - module for exporting pages in HTML format (option HTML single page)
  • BlueSpiceUEModuleBookPDF - module for exporting books. This module is only availble if BlueSpiceBookmaker is installed. It provides exporting entire books in PDF format (available from BookManager).


Configuration options

Configuration of BlueSpiceUniversalExport (and its modules) can be done using BlueSpiceConfigManager. BlueSpiceUniversalExport and each of the modules provide separate entries in list of extensions. Available settings include:

  • Table of content - provided by BlueSpiceUEModuleBookPDF export and therefore only applies to exporting books. Select how ToC should be constructed (as a ToC for the entire book or by each page individualy)
  • Hide namespace prefix in HTML - should namespace prefixes be shown when displaying page titles in HTML exports.
  • Hide namespace prefix in PDF - should namespace prefixes be shown when displaying page titles in PDF exports.
  • Metadata (standard, JSON) - additional data to be passed to the rendering template in JSON format. This data will be avalible for usage in the template (advanced users).
  • Metadata (override, JSON) - offers overriding standard data sent to the rendering template. Values that are set by default can be overriden by using this option (JSON format) (advanced users).

Printing from Export menu

MediaWiki by default provides print view for the pages. This is also availble from "Export" menu (option "Print").

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