System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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workflows-file-repository-definition-user-control (talk) (Translate) User control
workflows-file-repository-definition-user-control-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a user for feedback while reviewing a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the result
workflows-file-repository-definition-user-control-title (talk) (Translate) User feedback
workflows-workflow-file-definition-document-control-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask one user to edit a page and another expert user to review those changes. Then ask a third user to accept and publish the page. Once this is done, an email notification is sent to the specified recipient.
workflows-workflow-file-definition-document-control-title (talk) (Translate) Expert document control
workflows-workflow-file-definition-editorial-review-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask three users, independently of each other, for reviewing and approving a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the voting result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-editorial-review-title (talk) (Translate) Editorial review
workflows-workflow-file-definition-four-eye-principle-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask two user for feedback while reviewing a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-four-eye-principle-title (talk) (Translate) Four-eyes-principle
workflows-workflow-file-definition-group-approval-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a group of users for reviewing and approving a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the voting result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-group-approval-title (talk) (Translate) Group approval
workflows-workflow-file-definition-group-feedback-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a group of users for feedback while reviewing a page. Once this is done, an email notification is sent to the specified recipient.
workflows-workflow-file-definition-group-feedback-title (talk) (Translate) Group Feedback
workflows-workflow-file-definition-revision-control-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask two users, independently of each other, for reviewing and approving a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the voting result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-revision-control-title (talk) (Translate) Revision control
workflows-workflow-file-definition-six-eyes-principle-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask three users for feedback while reviewing a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the voting result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-six-eyes-principle-title (talk) (Translate) Six-Eyes-Principle
workflows-workflow-file-definition-three-step-approval-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a group and two users independently of each other, for reviewing and approving a page. Once the voting is complete, you'll get notified by email concerning the voting result
workflows-workflow-file-definition-three-step-approval-title (talk) (Translate) Three-step approval
workflows-workflow-file-definition-user-approval-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a user for reviewing and approving a page. Once this is done, an email notification is sent to the specified recipient.
workflows-workflow-file-definition-user-approval-title (talk) (Translate) Single user approval
workflows-workflow-file-definition-user-feedback-desc (talk) (Translate) Ask a user for feedback while reviewing a page. Once this is done, an email notification is sent to the specified recipient.
workflows-workflow-file-definition-user-feedback-title (talk) (Translate) Single user feedback
wrongpassword (talk) (Translate) Incorrect username or password entered. Please try again.
wrongpasswordempty (talk) (Translate) Password entered was blank. Please try again.
xffblockreason (talk) (Translate) An IP address present in the X-Forwarded-For header, either yours or that of a proxy server you are using, has been blocked. The original block reason was: $1
xml-error-string (talk) (Translate) $1 at line $2, col $3 (byte $4): $5
year (talk) (Translate) From year (and earlier):
years (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 year|$1 years}}
yesterday-at (talk) (Translate) Yesterday at $1
youhavenewmessages (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$3|You have}} $1 ($2).
youhavenewmessagesfromusers (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$4|You have}} $1 from {{PLURAL:$3|another user|$3 users}} ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmanyusers (talk) (Translate) You have $1 from many users ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmulti (talk) (Translate) You have new messages on $1
yourdiff (talk) (Translate) Differences
yourdomainname (talk) (Translate) Your domain:
youremail (talk) (Translate) Email:
yourgender (talk) (Translate) How do you prefer to be described?
yourlanguage (talk) (Translate) Language:
yourname (talk) (Translate) Username:
yournick (talk) (Translate) New signature:
yourpassword (talk) (Translate) Password:
yourpasswordagain (talk) (Translate) Retype password:
yourrealname (talk) (Translate) Real name:
yourtext (talk) (Translate) Your text
yourvariant (talk) (Translate) Content language variant:
zip-bad (talk) (Translate) The file is a corrupt or otherwise unreadable ZIP file. It cannot be properly checked for security.
zip-file-open-error (talk) (Translate) An error was encountered when opening the file for ZIP checks.
zip-unsupported (talk) (Translate) The file is a ZIP file that uses ZIP features not supported by MediaWiki. It cannot be properly checked for security.
zip-wrong-format (talk) (Translate) The specified file was not a ZIP file.
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