
(Redirected from Reference:TagSearch)

Extension: BlueSpiceTagSearch

Description: allows the integration of a configurable search field in articles.
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL v3 only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Rich Articles
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud


TagSearch allows the integration of a configurable search field in the page content. This search field relies on ExtendedSearch.

Usage / features

The configurable search field can be integrated into a content page with a tag. This tag has the following configuration options:

  • Placeholder: Default text that is shown in the search field.
  • Type: List of valid result types. Possible values: wikipage, specialpage, repofile, externalfile, socialentity.
  • Namespaces: Sets the searched namespaces. You can indicate it by ID or by the name of the namespace. Multiple entires are possible, separated by a pipe symbol (|). Default: As set in the ExtendedSearch.
  • Categories: Sets the searched categories. Multiple entries are possible, separated by a pipe symbol (|). Default: No category is defined.
  • Search operator: Search operator for the Categories field. Possible values: AND/OR. Default: AND.

Tag: <bs:tagsearch />

Technical information


This extension offers no additional configurations.

Rights (permissions)

This extension does not require any special rights.


TagSearch requires BlueSpiceFoundation and BlueSpiceExtendedSearch.

More info

For detailed description and usage, visit our help page.


Try inserting a search tag in our BlueSpiceDemo.

