
Revision as of 19:22, 13 November 2017 by Angelika (talk | contribs)

Extension: BlueSpiceChecklist

Description: Allows inserting checkboxes and checklists for task management
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki, BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: -
Type: BlueSpice Category: Rich articles"Rich articles" is not in the list (Administration, Editor, Export, Mobile, Reporting, Skinning, Book, Communication, Infrastructure, Personalization, ...) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoCategory" property.
Edition: BlueSpiceFree"BlueSpiceFree" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property., BlueSpicePro"BlueSpicePro" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property.


Checklist inserts checkboxes and checklists. e.g. to-do lists.


Checklist inserts wiki code elements which, depending on the mode chosen, appear as check or combo boxes.

Where can I find Checklist?

Checklist is a page editor menu item. Edit opens the page editor and 


opens the checklist dropdown.

CheckList Functions

The checklist dropdown inserts

  • Recently used lists
  • Single checkbox elements
  • Newly created lists

Multiple checkboxes and/or checklists can be inserted into an article.

Create Checkboxes

With checkboxes you can create simple to-do lists
With checkboxes you can create simple to-do lists
Insert Checkbox : A checkbox is a single checkbox element. You insert a checkbox by clicking the Menu Icon Btn-Wikicode-Checkbox.png or the 'Checklist elements' dropdown item. Ticking the checkbox in view mode alternates the checkbox hook between false and checked and updates the article's version history, edit mode doesn't update the history.

Wikicode: The Code Editor (i.e. not the WYSIWYG Editor) edits checklist tags. i.e. the value="" unchecked states table below or the color hex codes further below. Clicking the Btn-Wikicode-Checkbox.pnginserts only. You need to add the Prepare Mail identifier.

<bs:checklist value="checked" /> Prepare Mail
<bs:checklist value="false" /> Book Hotel

Creating Lists

Screenshot : Prepare article list in seperate template
Screenshot : Prepare article list in seperate template
Prepare Checklist : In order to insert a checklist in an article, you must first create a checklist template that contains the necessary check list elements. This is done by creating a new article in the Template namespace. For example create a new article named 'Template:Status'. Then in the Code Editor (i.e. not the WYSIWYG Editor) ad the check list items as exampled above, as a list. Save the Template and remember the Template's name as you need to add this name to Insert list dialogue below.

Assign colors : To facilitate visibility, you can assign list element colors. This is done by entering the pipe symbol ( straight line ) after the item identifier followed by a HEX color code.

* Prepare Mail| #FF9900
* Book Hotel| #00FF00

Assign colors

To support element status visibility color codes can be linked to the list elements. This is done by adding the pipe symbol (straight line) after the list element name followed by the HEX color Code.

Typical colors;

Colour Name HEX-Code
  black #000000
  grey #888888
  red #FF0000
  orange #FF8800
  green #00FF00
  blue #0000FF
  magenta #FF00FF

Screenshot Checklist WYSIWYG
Screenshot Checklist WYSIWYG
Insert checklist : The WYSIWYG Editor checklist dropdown arrow
enables you to insert checklists into your articles. You simply click a previously used template or as in this case add a new checklist.

To insert a new checklist, select the Insert list item in the dropdown. Then in the popup click on the + sign to add a new template. You must now enter the exact template title created above. Clicking " Ok " inserts the template's checklist items into your current article.

Example of Checklist being used for employee and status allocations.
As and example, you can add in multiple table row lists to show a tasks status of tasks , this might look like this.


  • Anyone who has write permissions can use the Checklist tag.
  • Anyone who has the checklistmodify permission can modify a checklist.

Designation Description Standard group
checklistmodify Allows you to change a checklist item user

CheckList-Tag Paramaters

You can off course also use Wikicode to insert check boxes and checklists. A Checklist-Tag creates a single form field, which depending on the mode is a checkbox or select box. It has the following parameters:

Name Description Type / Value range Default value
type Modus: If the checklist item as a list or as check, list check
value Current value str -
list Contains the name of the page in the MediaWiki namespace of the list entries. Mandatory when type is 'list' str -
id Optional indication of ID that can be used to identify the items str -

Classic MediaWiki

Classic MediaWiki does not provide checklist functionality.

