- Last edited 6 years ago by Florian Bäckmann
- This page is a draft but has an approved version
What is WatchList?
Watchlist gives a handy overview of the changes to an individually chosen collection of pages.
Where to find the watchlist?
You will find your watchlist by clicking on the small arrow next to your username and then clicking on "Watchlist" in the dropdown menu (see the screenshot).
About the watchlist
The watchlist can be viewed in different ways. When you call up your watchlist, you will automatically see the view "Watchlist:Changes". This shows you the most recent changes to all of the pages on your watchlist. These changes are listed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the most recent at the top. You can also set up your preferences for your watchlist here, for example you may want to exclude minor changes or those you have made yourself from the display.
The view "View and edit watchlist" gives you a visual list of all the watched articles. In the view "Edit raw watchlist", you will see this list in wiki code.
Handy tips:
- Whenever you watch a page, you will also be watching the associated talk page. This also works the other way: when you watch a talk page you automatically watch the article.
- You can tailor your watchlist to your needs under your Preferences.
- You can set up email notification for changes to your watched pages in Preferences. See also: Email notification.
- Note that this notification only occurs once. If you do not visit the page following the change, then you will not be informed of further changes to the page.
- You can change this by resetting the notification marker. Go to your watchlist and click on the button
. Now you will be informed of changes without having to visit every page.
- Watched articles are also bolded in the Recent changes list.
Watching category pages
Watching a category only refers to changes to the contents of the category page itself, not the automatically created list of articles in the category. Cf. entry
See also
Our reference page.