
Error: I'm trying to figure out how to use “responsibileeditors-changeresponsibility”, “responsibleeditors-takeresponsibility”, and “responsibleeditors-viewspecialpage” permissions.

Solution: responsibileeditors-changeresponsibility - Only users that have this permission can actually access the "Change responsibility" dialog from the more menu. There is one exception: A user that is assigned as a responsible editor can do also, even if he has not the appropriate permission responsibleeditors-takeresponsibility - Only users with this permission will show up in the list of available responsible editors in the "Change responsibility" dialog responsibleeditors-viewspecialpage - There is a SpecialPage that allows to retrieve information about and change responsibilities that are set. It's more or less a admin tool, but can also be used by normal users.

Error: Assign an “owner” to a page who is responsible for the page. I’d like this to be an Admin responsibility

Solution: A Responsible Editor can have special permissions on the page he is responsible for. E.g. You have a namespace where noone (but sysops) can edit. You assign a user as responsible editor to a page --> he, and only he, can edit the page if the "edit" permission is set for responsible editors in "WikiAdmin > Preferences > Responsible Editors"

Error: If anyone wants to make a change/modifaction to the page, they would nedd to notify the owner. What is the best way to do this.

Solution: You have 2 options here 1. The user writes on the talk page of the article directly. He needs permissions to edit the talk namespace and it would be best if the responsible editor hat the talk page on his "watchlist". You may also assign the responsible editor to both, the acutal page and the corresponding talk page. In this case the RE does not need the talk page on his watchlist as he gets notified on changes anyway. 2. The user writes to the talk page of the responsible editors puser page (User_talk namespace). It can easily be accessed by following the RE link in the statebar. In this case all Requests are on a single place for the RE to manage. But the requesting user would need to provide a backlink/reference to the article he want's to be changed.

Error: All those who suggested changes gets notified via email when updated page is good to go.

Solution: As page and talk page are completely independent from each other there is no easy way to have a notification be sent to a user that has only contributed to the talk page but not to the page itself. The requesting user would need do add the page to his watchlist manually.

Error: We’re trying to clean up some GEPs and get rid of ones we don’t need any longer. Can we do this by using only these permissions? If so, what exact permissions do they need? Also, is there a way to just do this with a specific page only? OR do we assign a responsible editor and then have them take it through a review using Workflow? Is there a better way to do this?

Solution: The Wiki is a "document workspace". If you want to get rid of a page of a part of a page, just delete it. The permissions always apply to namespaces (and in case of permissions set by RE settings also on pages). I think, if every GEP is modeled as a single page you should just have a review workflow be run on each of them. Your reviewers can then decide whether to keep or remove it.

Error: Users without a username cannot read the wiki.

Solution: Problem is the configuration of FlaggedRevs. The unauthenticated users were not allowed to view draft versions. When enabling FlaggedRevs for the "Pages" namespace, every page becomes a "first draft" and therefore unauthenticated users are not allowed to see them.

  • Users without a username cannot read the wiki

    Created 5 years and 4 months ago P technik

    Error: Users without a username cannot read the wiki.

    Solution: Problem is the configuration of FlaggedRevs. The unauthenticated users were not allowed to view draft versions. When enabling FlaggedRevs for the "Pages" namespace, every page becomes a "first draft" and therefore unauthenticated users are not allowed to see them.

    • Deleting a page

      Created 5 years and 4 months ago P technik

      Error: We’re trying to clean up some GEPs and get rid of ones we don’t need any longer. Can we do this by using only these permissions? If so, what exact permissions do they need? Also, is there a way to just do this with a specific page only? OR do we assign a responsible editor and then have them take it through a review using Workflow? Is there a better way to do this?

      Solution: The Wiki is a "document workspace". If you want to get rid of a page of a part of a page, just delete it. The permissions always apply to namespaces (and in case of permissions set by RE settings also on pages). I think, if every GEP is modeled as a single page you should just have a review workflow be run on each of them. Your reviewers can then decide whether to keep or remove it.

      • page is good to go - notification

        Created 5 years and 4 months ago P technik

        Error: All those who suggested changes gets notified via email when updated page is good to go.

        Solution: As page and talk page are completely independent from each other there is no easy way to have a notification be sent to a user that has only contributed to the talk page but not to the page itself. The requesting user would need do add the page to his watchlist manually.

        • How to notify the page owner

          Created 5 years and 4 months ago P technik

          Error: If anyone wants to make a change/modifaction to the page, they would need to notify the owner. What is the best way to do this.

          Solution: You have 2 options here 1. The user writes on the talk page of the article directly. He needs permissions to edit the talk namespace and it would be best if the responsible editor hat the talk page on his "watchlist". You may also assign the responsible editor to both, the acutal page and the corresponding talk page. In this case the RE does not need the talk page on his watchlist as he gets notified on changes anyway. 2. The user writes to the talk page of the responsible editors puser page (User_talk namespace). It can easily be accessed by following the RE link in the statebar. In this case all Requests are on a single place for the RE to manage. But the requesting user would need to provide a backlink/reference to the article he want's to be changed.

          • Admin responsibility for a page

            Created 5 years and 4 months ago P technik

            Error: Assign an “owner” to a page who is responsible for the page. I’d like this to be an Admin responsibility

            Solution: A Responsible Editor can have special permissions on the page he is responsible for. E.g. You have a namespace where noone (but sysops) can edit. You assign a user as responsible editor to a page --> he, and only he, can edit the page if the "edit" permission is set for responsible editors in "WikiAdmin > Preferences > Responsible Editors"

            • Error: I'm trying to figure out how to use “responsibileeditors-changeresponsibility”, “responsibleeditors-takeresponsibility”, and “responsibleeditors-viewspecialpage” permissions.

              Solution: responsibileeditors-changeresponsibility - Only users that have this permission can actually access the "Change responsibility" dialog from the more menu. There is one exception: A user that is assigned as a responsible editor can do also, even if he has not the appropriate permission responsibleeditors-takeresponsibility - Only users with this permission will show up in the list of available responsible editors in the "Change responsibility" dialog responsibleeditors-viewspecialpage - There is a SpecialPage that allows to retrieve information about and change responsibilities that are set. It's more or less a admin tool, but can also be used by normal users.