
Revision as of 15:30, 31 October 2018 by RichardHeigl (talk | contribs)

Extension: BlueSpiceGroupManager

Description: Administration interface for adding, editing and deleting user groups.
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL v3 only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Administration
Edition: BlueSpice"BlueSpice" is not in the list (BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice Farm (deactivated), BlueSpice Cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property.


Group Manager creates new groups, edit existing groups, and delete existing groups.

It is not always a good idea that everyone can edit everything. Using the group concept, you can soften the wiki principle a little so you create groups to which wiki sysops can assign differing permissions. For example, you can have a group with permission to read but not make any changes in the wiki. However, you should only use the group concept when it is absolutely necessary is, as otherwise the cooperative dynamic suffers.

Usage / Features

  • Create groups.
  • Edit groups.
  • Delete groups (system groups cannot be deleted or edited).

To assign users to groups please use the UserManager and to handle permissions please use the PermissionManager.

Technical information


This extension offers no configurations.

Rights (permissions)

This extension does not require any special rights.


GroupManager requires BlueSpiceFoundation.

User manual

For detailed description and usage please visit our user manual.

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