BlueSpice 3.1

BlueSpice 3.1 is a Minor Release.

Point Releases

3.1.13December 11, 2020
3.1.12November 13, 2020
3.1.11October 8, 2020
3.1.10September 10, 2020
3.1.9August 14, 2020
3.1.8July 9, 2020
3.1.7June 10, 2020
3.1.5May 14, 2020
3.1.6May 14, 2020
3.1.4March 10, 2020
3.1.3February 12, 2020
3.1.2January 13, 2020
3.1.1November 14, 2019

Important new functions in 3.1

The most important changes in BlueSpice 3.1 at a glance:

Feature Description Screenshot
Completely redesigned title section
Focus on convenience See and modify relevant page information at a glance
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Titlesection.png
Category handling Categories are now shown in the title section and can be edited
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Categories.png
Quality management State of a page is displayed and can be changed
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - QM.png
Page neighborhood Subpages and related pages are shown in a breadcrumb navigation and can be easily be explored
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Page Neighborhood.png
UX improvements
UX audit Many improvements in iconography, labeling and navigation
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Iconography.png
Page load masks Indicator for system activity to create a smoother experience
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Pageload Mask.png
Fullscreen mode Switch the wiki to full screen for more space
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Fullscreen.png
Better scoring Several tunings to provide a more natural search result order. E.g. base names have preference over subpages
Flexible autocomplete It is now possible to use multiple infixes. E.g. search for "func test" results in Functional Design/Testplan
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Autocomplete.png
Similar pages Pages with similar terms can be found in the page information flyout
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Similar Pages.png
File handling It is now easier to insert or upload files directly with the Visual Editor. The upload dialog recognizes the file type and shows the corresponding options for upload.
alternativtext=BlueSpice 3.1 file upload dialog
Table formatting Change the width and height of cells and apply various stylings
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Table formatting.png
Text colors Add colors to words and table backgrounds
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Text colors.png
Convenience Less clicks in file and save dialogs
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Less clicks.png
Integrated discussion page Both classical wiki text and threaded discussions are stored on one page
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Discussions.png
One step creation Attachment and discussion sections can now be created in one click
BlueSpice 3.1 - Notable Changes - Discussion one click.png

Resources and Download

