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Updating docker images

< Setup:Installation Guide‎ | Docker


  • Edition: BlueSpice free, distributed on Docker Hub as a Docker image.
  • The current 3.1.2 release has no automatic upgrade feature. The automatic upgrade feature will be included in BlueSpice 3.1.3.
  • This document covers the manual upgrade process and how to fix some known issues.

Spinning up a new container with old data

We assume you have a BlueSpice installation from Docker Hub. Also, this installation should have been done using an external data volume.


docker run -d -p 80:80 -v {/my/data/folder}:/data bluespice/bluespice-free

1.Back up your current data folder:

sudo cp -Rf /my/data/folder /my/data/current

2. Stop your current BlueSpice-free container:

docker container stop $your_container_id_or_name

3. Remove the container (optional):

docker container rm $your_container_id_or_name

4. Fetch the new container image:

docker pull bluespice/bluespice-free:latest

5. Create a new data folder for the new installation:

mkdir /my/data/new

6. Create a fresh container with the new image:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -v {/my/data/new}:/data bluespice/bluespice-free

7. When the container boots up, you have an empty wiki. Stop the newly created container bevore moving your backup to the new instance:

docker container stop $new_container_name_or_id

8. Remove the content of the new container:

sudo rm -Rf /my/data/new/*

9. Move the backup into /my/data/new:

sudo cp -Rf /my/data/current/* /my/data/new/

10. Start the newly created container:

docker container start $new_container_name_or_id

Now, your new container with your old data is up.

But you still have to run some maintenance scripts as well as some fixes:

sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id chown -Rf mysql:mysql /data/mysql
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /etc/init.d/mysql restart
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /opt/docker/ /data/www/bluespice/w
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/update.php --quick
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/rebuildall.php --quick
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/extensions/BlueSpiceExtendedSearch/maintenance/initBackends.php --quick
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/extensions/BlueSpiceExtendedSearch/maintenance/rebuildIndex.php
sudo docker exec $new_container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/runJobs.php

Fixing the broken search

The following commands fix the BlueSpiceExtendedSearch indexes:

sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /opt/docker/ /data/www/bluespice/w
sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/update.php --quick
sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/rebuildall.php --quick
sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/extensions/BlueSpiceExtendedSearch/maintenance/initBackends.php --quick
sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/extensions/BlueSpiceExtendedSearch/maintenance/rebuildIndex.php
sudo docker exec $container_name_or_id /usr/bin/php /data/www/bluespice/w/maintenance/runJobs.php

