Page access restrictions

BlueSpicePageAccess restricts access to a page to specified user groups. It is inserted with the tag pageaccess. Access restriction per page is done on a group basis. "Access" here means all actions, including read and edit.

How to restrict access to a page

Users who have the necessary permissions (by default through the roles admin, maintenanceadmin, and structuremanager) can add the necessary instruction to a page.

To add this tag with VisualEditor:

  1. Position the cursor at the beginning of your page.
  2. Select Insert > Magic word.
  3. Select Page access in the dialog box.
  4. Click Done.
  5. Add the groups to the Page access dialog box.
  6. Click Insert.
    Inserting the magic word PageAccess
    Inserting the magic word PageAccess

The page now sdisplays an info header that shows the groups that have access to the page.

Screenshot page access message

In source view, the tag looks like this:

 <bs:pageaccess groups="sysop" /> 

To add more groups, use commas to separate:

 <bs:pageaccess groups="sysop,secure1,secure2" />

A user can only restrict access to the groups this user belongs to. This is a security feature to prevent users from locking themselves out of a page.

Related info

