Page access restrictions
- Last edited 4 years ago by MLR
- This page is approved but has a draft version
BlueSpicePageAccess restricts access to a page to specified user groups. It is inserted with the tag pageaccess. Access restriction per page is done on a group basis. "Access" here means all actions, including read and edit.
[hide]How to restrict access to a page
Users who have the necessary permissions (by default through the roles admin, maintenanceadmin, and structuremanager) can add the necessary instruction to a page.
To add this tag with VisualEditor:
- Position the cursor at the beginning of your page.
- Select Insert > Magic word.
- Select Page access in the dialog box.
- Click Done.
- Add the groups to the Page access dialog box.
- Click Insert.
The page now sdisplays an info header that shows the groups that have access to the page.
In source view, the tag looks like this:
<bs:pageaccess groups="sysop" />
To add more groups, use commas to separate:
<bs:pageaccess groups="sysop,secure1,secure2" />
A user can only restrict access to the groups this user belongs to. This is a security feature to prevent users from locking themselves out of a page.