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Revision as of 17:09, 25 November 2019 by Mlink-rodrigue (talk | contribs)


  • Users lose their rights with group synchronization

    Created 4 years and one month ago MLR

    With group synchronization, a user's AD groups are regularly retrieved from AD (the first time they log in each day and then about once an hour) and matched to the groups assigned in the wiki. If a group assigned in the wiki is not in the list of AD groups, the user is removed from it - and vice versa.

    If, for example, you create and authorize a "Wiki_Editor" group in the wiki, a group with the exact same name must also be created in AD and the users must be added accordingly. In this case, you no longer need to assign groups in the wiki's user management. This happens automatically through the existence of the group alone.

    If it is not possible to create the group in AD and you are dependent on the user administration to assign the groups, we have to put the corresponding group in the configuration of the wiki on the list of "locally managed groups".

    Therefore, there are two options:

    1. You create the group in AD and assign the users there. Then, you create them in the wiki via the group management and authorize them via the rights management. In this case you only need the support of your internal IT and no assistance from us.

    2. You only create the group via the group administration, assign rights via the rights administration and assign the users to the groups manually via the user administration. In this case, we have to put the group on the list of "locally administered groups". We need server access for this and you are responsible for the assignment yourself. Of course, we can also provide instructions for your IT that describe what needs to be done in this case. In this case you would not need our support.

    • Where to specify PDF export template?

      Created 4 years and 5 months ago MLR

      Version: 3.1

      Question: Where can I specify the template path for PDF export? In the ConfigManager, I only see the option "Hide Namespace prefix in PDF for BlueSpiceUEModulePDF

      Answer: The corresponding option has not made it into configuration management. In general, it is discussed internally which settings should all be customizable via the web interface.

      The path to the PDF template as well as the default template can be set in the LocalSettings.php:

      $bsgUEModulePDFTemplatePath = "/path/to/directory";

      $bsgUEModulePDFDefaultTemplate = "Foldername-of-the-template";

      • Extensions with own permissions

        Created 4 years and 8 months ago Florian Bäckmann


        I'm tring to install public extension for mediawiki "Translate" that add multilanguage feature to the wikipages.

        This extension require some permission to user, I have added it on LocalSettings.php but seems that during loading of pages, something override this permission. So i'm tring to add it from BSPermissionManager but it can't add new permission, only assign default.

        Is there a way to add custom permission to a group and avoid overriding of BSPermissionManager?


        BlueSpice since version 3.0 implements a custom access system using roles. This system still supports using 3rd party permisisons, but they must be registered with BlueSpice role system.

        When registering new permission you define to which roles that permission will belong to, and all user groups assigned that role will be also assigned that permission.


        - to register new permission "mypermission" you would add following code to LocalSettings.php:


        $bsgPermissionConfig["mypermission"] = [

        "type" => "global",

        "roles" => ["admin", "reader" ]


        Of course, substitute "mypermission" for the permission name required for Translate extension. If there are multiple required permission, create one of these entries for each one.

        This means that roles "admin" and "reader" will now also contain "mypermission". To verify this, go to PermissionManager and click on the "i" icon in front of the role name (one of the roles you assigned permission to). In dialog that opens you should see your new permission listed.

        If permission is there just make sure those roles are assigned to desired user groups and that is it. (By default, "reader" role is assigned to "*" group, so by adding the permission to "reader" role, all uses on the wiki will receive this permission)

        • Error:

          not all Avatars are displayed


          This caused by late loading of NSFileRepoConnector that sets the $wgUploadPath. Define it in LocalSettings, before loading Avatars, then it works.

          • Create Namespace

            Created 5 years ago P technik

            'Error: "I am not able to create a new namespace on our BlueSpice docu starter site (v.2.23) using Namespace Manager. We have two BlueSpice installations: one runs docu starter (2.23) and the other site runs BlueSpice free (2.22). On the BlueSpice docu starter site, I clicked on Admin > Namespace manager > Add. Entered Test as the namespace name with no options checked and clicked the button to add it. I did not receive a message stating that the namespace was created and Test didn't appear in the namespace list (even after refreshing). The same steps were successful in creating a Test namespace in our BlueSpice free site (v 2.22).

            Solution: The error_log shows problems with writing to the file needed. Please verify the permissions for the config folder found in BlueSpiceFoundation, e.g. execute chmod a+w /var/www/mediawiki/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config For the correct permissions for the folders needed by the apache refer to the installation manual.

