No categories assigned


What is ExtendedEditbar?

ExtendedEditbar provides important, helpful functions. In the wikicode view can be insert the wiki code for links and much more very quick. Can be open one of the BlueSpice dialogues to upload and insert images for example.

Where to find ExtendedEditbar?


Simple edit bar


Btn-Wikicode-WYSIWYG.png Change to WYSIWYG mode
Btn-Wikicode-Formatierhilfe.png Information on wikicode formatting
Btn-WYSIWYG-InsertCategory.png Insert categories with the (InsertCategory tool)
Btn-WYSIWYG-InsertImage.png Upload and insert images with the (InsertImage tool)
Btn-WYSIWYG-InsertFile.png Upload and insert files (InsertFile tool)
Btn-WYSIWYG-InsertImage.png Insert intern, extern, e-mail links, interwiki links and links on files (InsertLink tool)
Btn-WYSIWYG-InsertMagic.png Insert MagicWords with the (InsertMagic tool)
Btn-Wikicode-Checkbox.png Insert checkboxes and checklists (more at Checklist)
Btn-WYSIWYG-Tabelle einfügen.png Insert table (more at Insert Tables)
Btn-WYSIWYG-Fett.png bold
Btn-WYSIWYG-Kursiv.png italics
Btn-WYSIWYG-Durchgestrichen.png crossed out text
Btn-Wikicode-Überschrift Ebene2.png Heading (second level)
Btn-Wikicode-Bildergalerie.png line break
Btn-Wikicode-Bildergalerie.png Add an image gallery
Btn-WYSIWYG-Signatur.png Add signature with time stamp
Btn-Wikicode-Redirect.png Set up a redirect
Btn-Wikicode-Versteckter Kommentar.png add a (hidden) comment in the wikicode


Clicking on the icon you want adds some standard code to the source text. For formatting, mark the right parts of the text and then click on the icon for the formatting you want.

See also

Our reference page.

