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Software Catalogue

(Redirected from List of all extensions)

A list of all MediaWiki and BlueSpice extensions for the current version of BlueSpice.

Note: The extensions EditNotify and BlueSpiceEditNotifyConnector are no longer included starting BlueSpice 3.2. The functionality is now included in BlueSpiceEchoConnector.

List of Extensions (191)


nein.png: Extension is not included in this Edition
deaktiviert.png: Extension is included, but deactivated by default
ja.png: Extension is included and is activated by default
Extension Description License Main-
free pro farm cloud
Arrays Store and compute named arrays MIT MW activated activated activated activated
Auth remoteuser Automatically logs-in users using the REMOTE_USER environment variable GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
BlueSpiceAbout Information about BlueSpice BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceArticleInfo Provides information about a page in status bar BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceArticlePreviewCapture Creates preview images of wikipages for dynamic file dispatcher BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceAuthors Displays the profile picture for authors of a page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceAvatars Provides generic and individual user pictures BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceBookshelf Enables BlueSpice to manage and export hierarchical collections of articles. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceBookshelfUI provides a graphical administration interface for creating, editing and managing books. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCalumma BlueSpice Skin BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCategoryCheck Checks for assigned category before an article gets saved BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCategoryManager Visual tool to manage categories BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceChecklist Provides checklist functionality BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCloudClient encapsulates all cloud specific functionality GPL v3 BS not included not included not included activated
BlueSpiceConfigManager Offers the possibility to admins, to configurate the whole wiki from a single special page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceContextMenu Provides context menus for various links BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCountThings Provides content based statistics BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceCustomMenu Provides customizable menus BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceDashboards Provides dashboards for users and administrators BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceDistributionConnector Connects BlueSpice to various MediaWiki extensions BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceDrawioConnector Connects BlueSpice to Drawio BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceEchoConnector Connects BlueSpice with Echo BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceEditNotifyConnector Provides an interface between BlueSpice and the extension EditNotify. (not included from v3.2 on) GPL v3 BS activated activated activated not included
BlueSpiceEmoticons Renders emoticons in a text as images BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceExpiry Pages can be marked as expired. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceExportTables Allows export of tables to Excel and CSV BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceExtendedFilelist Provides a special page to interact with the wiki file repo BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceExtendedSearch Elasticsearch search backend BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceExtendedStatistics Statistics module for BlueSpice BS deactivated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceFilterSpecialPages Inserts a field in Special:Specialpages to provide a search function. GPL v2 BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceFilterableTables Provides a filterable content tables BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceFlaggedRevsConnector Adds support for FlaggedRevs to a range of other extensions. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceFoundation Makes MediaWiki enterprise ready BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceGroupManager Administration interface for adding, editing and deleting user groups and their rights BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceHideTitle Adds the magic word '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000002-QINU`"' to hide the title of the page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInsertCategory Dialog to enter a category link BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInsertFile Dialog to upload files and insert a file link BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInsertLink Dialog box to enter a link BS deactivated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInsertMagic Adds a dialog allowing the insertion of magic words and tags BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInterWikiLinks Administration interface for adding, editing and deleting interwiki links. GPL v3 BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceInterwikiSearch Simultaneous search in multiple wikis GPL v3 BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceMatomoConnector Interface between BlueSpice and the Matomo analytics tool GPL v3 BS not included activated activated not included
BlueSpiceMultiUpload Provides batch uploading of files BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceNSFileRepoConnector Integrates NSFileRepo in a range of BlueSpice Extenions (Requires NSFileRepo) BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceNamespaceCSS Namespace specific styling BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceNamespaceManager Administration interface for adding, editing and deleting namespaces BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePageAccess Controls access on page level BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePageAssignments Enables you to assign users or groups to a page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePageFormsConnector Integrates PageForms extension into BlueSpice BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpicePageTemplates Displays a list of templates marked as page templates BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePagesVisited Provides a personalized list of the last visited pages BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePermissionManager Administration interface for editing user rights BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpicePlayer Embed a media player on a page. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpicePrivacy Management page for user privacy settings BS deactivated deactivated deactivated activated
BlueSpiceQrCode Displays a QR code with a link to the current page in the toolbar. BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceRSSFeeder An extension to output valid RSS for every extension, which has a buildRss-function BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceRating Provides a rating system BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceReadConfirmation Extension to collect read confirmations for a page BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceReaders Creates a list of the people who read a page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceReminder Gives the user the opportunity to create reminders. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceReview Adds workflow functionality to pages BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceReviewExtended with this workflow tool, users can start a review process of single articles by several users. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSMWConnector Integrates SemanticMediaWiki into BlueSpice BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSaferEdit Provides warnings if other users are editing the page BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSignHere Provides a tag to quickly add a signature to a page BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSmartList Displays the last five changes of the wiki in a list BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocial Base extension for social extensions BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialArticleActions Adds basic article action entries to BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialBlog Blog entity for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialComments Comment functionality for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialMicroBlog Microblog functionality for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialProfile Profile entity for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialRating Rating functionality for BlueSpiceSocial-entities BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialResolve Resolve functionality for BlueSpiceSocial-entities BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialTags Adds tagging functionality to social entities BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialTimelineUpdate Update functionality for BlueSpiceSocialTimeline BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialTopics Topic and discussion entities for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialWatch Watch-functionality for BlueSpiceSocial-entities BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceSocialWikiPage WikiPage entity and functionality for BlueSpiceSocial BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceTagCloud Displays various tag clouds BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceTagSearch allows the integration of a configurable search field in articles. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModuleBookPDF Enables BlueSpice export hierarchical collections of articles to Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModuleDOCX ⧼bs-uemoduledocx-extension-description⧽ BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModuleHTML Enables export to HTML BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModulePDF Enables MediaWiki to export pages into PDF format BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModulePDFRecursive Enables recursive export of pages into PDF format. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModulePDFSubpages export an article and subpages to PDF format. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUEModuleTable2Excel Enables export to Excel formats and CSV BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUniversalExport Enables MediaWiki to export pages into different formats BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUsageTracker Holds statistical data about extension use BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUserInfo Provides flyouts with user informations for user images and links BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUserManager Administration interface for adding, editing and deleting users BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUserMergeConnector Connects BlueSpice with UserMerge BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceUserSidebar Customizable personal navigation menu BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceVisualDiff Formatted display of differences between two revisions. BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceVisualEditorConnector Connects BlueSpice with VisualEditor BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceWatchList Adds a watchlist widget and tag BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceWebDAVClientIntegration Allows opening files from the browser directly in the client application (Requires WebDAV) BS not included deactivated deactivated deactivated
BlueSpiceWebDAVMinorSave ⧼bs-webdavminorsave-desc⧽ BS not included deactivated deactivated deactivated
BlueSpiceWhoIsOnline Displays a list of users who are currently online BS activated activated activated activated
BlueSpiceWikiExplorer Sort articles by criteria BS not included activated activated activated
BlueSpiceWikiFarm User interface for managing wiki instances. GPL v3 BS not included not included activated not included
Bootstrap Provides the Bootstrap framework in the wiki GPL v3 MW activated activated activated activated
CategoryTree Enables you to displays categories and subcategories in a tree structure. GPL v3 MW activated activated activated activated
Cite Allows a user to create footnotes by using a special tag. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
CiteThisPage Extension provides a special page which allows creating a citation for a page in variety of styles. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
CodeEditor Syntax-highlighted editing for JavaScript and CSS pages using Ace editor GPL v2+ and BSD 3 Clause MW activated activated activated activated
ConfirmAccount Requires submission and approval of accounts. GPL v2 MW not included not included not included activated
ConfirmEdit Enables the user to place various CAPTCHA methods to protect the wiki from spambots. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
ContentTransfer Copies new or existing wiki pages into a different wiki. (v3.2 and up) GPL v3 BS not included not included deactivated not included
CookieWarning Provides a notice at the top of the page about cookies MIT MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
DrawioEditor Integration of diagrams MIT MW not included activated activated activated
Duplicator Provides a page to simply create copies of articles. - MW not included activated activated not included
DynamicPageList3 Create lists of other articles based on their category, namespace, title, references or template usage and include contents or arguments of template calls of those articles into your page. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
Echo Provides an in-wiki notification system that can be used by other extensions. MIT MW activated activated activated activated
EditNotify Provides special notifications when creating / editing articles. (not included from v3.2 on) MIT MW activated activated activated not included
EmbedVideo Adds a parser function called #ev for embedding video clips from popular video sharing services. MIT MW activated activated activated activated
ExtJSBase Adds the GPL version of Sencha Inc. ExtJS Rich Internet Application Framework GPL v3 BS activated activated activated activated
FlaggedRevs Allows for article content management by editors and reviewers. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
FlexiSkin allows to customize the skin of the wiki. GPL v2 MW not included not included not included activated
Gadgets Provides a way for users to pick JavaScript or CSS based "gadgets" that other wiki users provide. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
Header Tabs displays top-level headers as JavaScript-based tabs. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
HitCounters Counts the hits of a page/article. GPL v3 MW activated activated activated activated
ImageMap Allows clickable HTML image maps. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
ImageMapEdit automates and simplifies a large part of the process. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
InputBox Allows to integrate HTML forms into wiki pages. MIT MW activated activated activated activated
InsertTemplate provides a dialog interface to add and modify templates in edit mode. A preview can be shown. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
Interwiki Provides a special page for maintaining the Interwiki table. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
InviteSignup Allows to send email invitations for account creation. GPL v2 MW not included not included not included activated
LDAP Authorization Allows group-based authorization against an LDAP resource. MIT MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LDAPAuthentication2 Allows authentication against an LDAP resource GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LDAPGroups Allows user group syncronization with a LDAP resource GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LDAPProvider Provides a common infratructure to connect to a LDAP resource and run queries against it GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LDAPSyncAll Mechanism which synchronizes users in the database and users in Active Directory. (v3.2 and up) GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LDAPUserInfo Ermöglicht die Synchronisation von Benutzerinformation und Einstellungen mit einer LDAP Ressource. GPL v2 MW not included deactivated deactivated not included
LatexRenderer Renders LaTeX markup on a Windows server. GPL v3 BS not included activated activated activated
Lingo Provides hover-over tool tips on pages from words defined on the Glossar page GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
LocalisationUpdate Allows to update the localizations for MediaWiki messages at any time, without needing to upgrade the MediaWiki software. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
LoginNotify Notifies users about unusual login events. MIT MW not included not included not included activated
Loops Provides parser functions for performing loops. - MW not included not included not included activated
Maps allows users to display maps and coordinate data using multiple mapping services. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Math Renders mathematical formulas between math tags GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
MediaWiki GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
MergeArticles Merge corresponding pages in wiki instances. GPL v3 BS not included not included deactivated not included
MultimediaViewer Provides a better experience to users when they click on thumbnails GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
NSFileRepo implements per-namespace group permissions for image and file rights protection. GPL v2 BS not included activated activated activated
NativeSvgHandler Display of graphics in SVG format GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Nuke Extension for administrators to delete more than one page at once. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
OATHAuth Provides authentication support using HMAC-based one-time passwords GPL v2+ and GPL v3+ MW deactivated deactivated deactivated activated
OOJSPlus Provides Widgets and utility functions for OOJS GPL v3 BS activated activated activated activated
OpenID Connect Extends the PluggableAuth extension to provide authentication using OpenID Connect. MIT MW not included not included not included activated
OpenLayers basic library for the grafical representation/chart of semantic data. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Page Forms Forms for creating and editing wiki pages GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Page Schemas defines the data structurefor all pages in a category using XML. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
PageImages Collects information about images used on page WTFPL MW not included activated activated activated
ParserFunctions Enhance parser with logical functions GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
ParserHooks adds a OOP and declarative parser hook interface. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
PdfHandler Shows uploaded PDF files in a multipage preview layout. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated activated
PluggableAuth Provides framework for pluggable authentication and authorization MIT MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
Poem Create paragraphs and line breaks for poem formatting GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
Popups Displays previews when the user hovers over a page link GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Quiz Allows the creation of quizzes. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated not included
RSS Renders RSS feeds to display them in wiki articles. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
Renameuser Provides a special page that allows user accounts to be renamed. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
Replace Text Provides a form to let administrators do string replacements on the entire wiki, for both page contents and page titles. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
Scribunto provides a framework for embedding scripting languages into articles. GPL v2+ and MIT MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic Compound Queries defines a parser function, #compound_query, that can make multiple Semantic MediaWiki queries at the same time. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic Extra Special Properties Adds some extra special properties to all pages GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic Internal Objects defines a parser function, #set_internal, that is used to define "internal objects" or "n-ary relations" within Semantic MediaWiki. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic MediaWiki allows users to add structured data to wiki pages through simple wikitext markup that turns links to other pages and data values in a page into meaningful properties. With this information, SMW helps to search, organize, browse, evaluate, and share the wiki's content. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic Result Formats Adds further formats to render inline query results. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Semantic Scribunto A Semantic MediaWiki extension to natively support the Scribunto extension GPL v2+ and MIT MW not included activated activated activated
SimpleSAMLphp Provides authentication using SimpleSAMLphp in conjunction with PluggableAuth MIT MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
SpamBlacklist Create and manage blacklists based on URL patterns to avoid spam in the wiki. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
SyntaxHighlight Provides syntax highlighting and code rendering. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
TemplateData Implement data storage for template parameters (using JSON) GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
TemplateStyles Implement per-template style sheets GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
TextExtracts Provides plain-text or limited HTML extracts of page content GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
TitleBlacklist Manage black- and whitelist to forbid creating new articles and user accounts. GPL v2 MW deactivated deactivated deactivated not included
TitleKey Provides a title prefix search suggestion backend. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
TwoColConflict Showing a side-by-side edit merge screen for edit conflict resolution GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
UrlGetParameters Usage of GET parameters of the URL on a wiki page. GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
UserFunctions Enhance parser with user functions GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated
UserMerge Merges several users into one account. GPL v3 MW activated activated activated activated
Validator provides generic parameter handling support to other extensions. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
Variables Parser functions allowing to work with dynamic variables in an article scoped context ISC MW activated activated activated activated
VisualEditor Is an editor you can use without having to enter special markup. MIT MW deactivated activated activated activated
WebAuthn Module for the OATHAuth extension that provides authentication using the WebAuthn API. (starting at v.4.1) GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
WebDAV Adds a WebDAV endpoint that exposes the wiki content GPL v3 BS not included deactivated deactivated deactivated
Widgets integration of external content from social media sites. GPL v2 MW not included activated activated activated
WikiEditor Provides an improved interface for editing Wikitext GPL v2 MW activated activated activated activated

Additionally required licenses

BlueSpice is delivered free of legal defects and without hidden additional licenses. There is only one extension which charges an additional fee for the enhancement of the existing function:

  • PHPDOCX Pro: This additional license is only needed if you want to use the export to DocX format.
