
Extension: Duplicator

Description: Provides a page to simply create copies of articles.
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Rob Church, Vitaliy Filippov License: -
Type: MediaWiki Category: Administration
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


Duplicator extension provides a special page which allows the creation of independent copies (with separate edit histories) of pages.

Usage / features

To duplicate an article, go to the Special:Duplicator page. On article pages, a convenient link is provided in the toolbox which will pre-populate the source page title when used.

Enter the title of the article to be copied and the destination title in the appropriate fields and select whether or not to duplicate the associated discussion page. This option will not be presented if the discussion page does not exist.

Click the Duplicate button to perform the operation. You will be advised when this is complete, or in the case of errors. The copy will be logged in the destination page history, and an entry will be created in the recent changes list.

Note: It is not possible to duplicate a page which has more revisions than the configured limit. It is also not possible to overwrite an existing page.

