Create account

Supported in:BlueSpice pro Cloud

In BlueSpice pro Cloud, administrators can invite users to create their own wiki account or they can create an account for them.

To create an account for a new user:

  1. Go to the page Special:CreateAccount
  2. Enter a username and email address. Check the box to send a temporary password to the user.
     CreateAccount page
    CreateAccount page
    If you add a real name, this is the name that is shown throughout the wiki whenever this user makes a change. If you enter a reason here, it is shown in the user creation log of the wiki. This helps other administrators understand why a particular user was granted access to the wiki.
  3. Click Create account.

The account is now active and an email with the temporary password was sent to the new user.

First login by the user

When the user logs in for the first time, the user is asked to:

  1. provide the username and temporary password
  2. accept the terms and conditions
  3. create a new password.

Deactivating and reactivating an account

To deactivate a user account:

  1. Click the settings symbol for an account (wrench symbol).
    User account setting
    User account setting
  2. Remove the "activated" checkmark and click done.
    Deactivate user account
    Deactivate user account

To reactivate a deactivated user account:

  1. Open the User management page.
  2. Add the column "Activated" to the user table from any table header column.
    Add column "Activated"
    Add column "Activated"

  3. Filter the column by "Alle deaktivierten Benutzer anzeigen".
    Show deactivated users.
    Show deactivated users.

  4. Reactivate the account via the wrench symbol.
Note:It is not possible to delete an account in BlueSpice Cloud.

Related info

