Context menu
- Last edited 4 years ago by MLR
- This page is approved but has a draft version
ContextMenu replaces the default browser context menu with wiki functions - depending on the context and user permissions.
[hide]Context menu opens when right clicking components that support ContextMenu functionitly, namely, internal links and file links.
The context menu opens when you right-click on a component, such as a link or an image.
On internal links, the context menu display quick links for basic page actions, like:
- Editing page
- Viewing page history
- Moving page
- Deleting page...
On file links, some additional options are shown, like:
- Opening file page
- Downloading file
- Uploading new version of the file
- Opening files using client application (when available)
Exact content of ContextMenu menu depends on the wiki configuration
Settings for the context menu are located in the user preferences (page Special:Preferences), under the "Appearance" tab. The setting is applied separate for each user.
The context menu has two modes:
- Click using the right mouse button and pressing CTRL (Normal right mouse button will show default browser menu)
- Click using the right mouse button (Pressing CTRL will show default browser context menu)