Generate page lists (smart lists)
- Last edited 4 years ago by MLR
- This page is approved
The extension SmartList allows to insert a list of pages in a wiki page using the tags smartlist, newbies, or toplist. The selection criteria can be set using a dialog box.
[hide]Available tags
The extension SmartList offers three different tags:
<bs:smartlist />
- display a list of pages based on different criteria<bs:newbies />
- display a list of recentrly registered users<bs:toplist />
- display a list of most visited pages
All of the tags listed above can be added through the menu Insert > Magic word in VisualEditor. For more information on how to insert magic words, see InsertMagic.
The SmartList can be limited or extended with the following parameters:
Label | Parameter | Values | Description |
Count |
count | number |
The number of articles to be shown. Default value: 5 |
Namespace(s) |
ns | number or name |
Only articles from given namespace will be listed. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names. Several namespaces can be named with pipes: ns="0|2|5" or ns="Help|User|Test". Default: All namespaces are included. |
Category |
cat | name |
Only articles from given category will be listed. Selecting several categories is not possible. Default: All categories. |
Category mode |
catmode | AND, OR |
Show pages if they are in at least one of the categories (OR) or show pages if they are tagged with all categories (AND). |
Show minor |
minor | true, false |
Minor changes (changes marked with an "m" in the recent changes) will not be listed. Default: Minor changes are listed. |
Period |
period | -, month, week, day |
Only changes within given period are shown. Default: No limit. |
Show only new articles |
new | true, false |
Only new pages will be listed. Default: All pages are shown |
Heading | heading | text | Adds a heading above the list |
Sort by | sort | Title, Time | Sort results by title or by latest edited. |
Sort order | order | asc, desc | Ascending or descending sort order. |
Trim |
trim | number |
Long article names are not cropped. Default: The title is cut off after 30 characters. |
Show text |
showtext | true, false |
With this option, a line of the article contents will be shown alongside the title. |
Trim text |
trimtext | number |
"trimtext" sets the number of characters of an article's content shown. This is only relevant when showtext="true"). Note: trimtext="0" is not possible. |
Show namespaces | showns | true, false | If true, the namespace prefix is shown with the page names. |
Number with text | numwithtext | number | Anzahl der Artikel die mit Einführungstext angezeigt werden sollen. Nur effektiv wenn showtext=true |
Meta | meta | true | The username and date for the last edit are shown. |
Target | target | - | Obsolete |
Exclude namespace(s) |
excludens | number or name |
Articles from given namespaces will not be shown. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names (comma-separated). Default: All namespaces are included. |
Example output in source code:
<bs:smartlist category="ISO9001" new="true" count="7" ns="104" trim="false" />
The tag <bs:newbies />
shows recently registered wiki users.
Label | Parameter | Values | Description |
Count - count |
The number of users to be shown; the default value is 10. |
Example in wikicode
<bs:newbies count="7"/>
This tag shows a list of the most visited pages.
Label | Paramter | Values | Description |
Count |
count | number |
The number of articles to be shown; the default value is 10. |
Namespaces |
ns | text, text |
Only articles from these namespace will be shown. You can put several namespaces here, separated by commas. |
Category |
cat | text, text |
Only articles from this category will be shown. You can put several categories here, separated by commas. |
Period |
period | month, alltime |
The period that should be used. The default is alltime. |
Example in wikicode
<bs:toplist count="7" ns="Help|QM" />