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< Manual:Extension
Revision as of 18:51, 30 January 2019 by Lsireta (talk | contribs)

What is BlueSpiceSmartList?

BlueSpiceSmartList introduces a number of tags that can be placed on any page to show a list of most relevant pages based on different criteria.

Available tags

Available tags in "Insert magic" dialog

BlueSpiceSmartList offers three different tags:

- main tag used to display list of pages based on various criteria

  1. Main Page (3429899)
  2. Setup:Installation Guide (190072)
  3. Reference:FlexiSkin (110525)
  4. Reference:BlueSpiceCountThings (102203)
  5. Archive:PasteImage (98727)
  6. Wiki (93285)
  7. Reference:BlueSpiceAuthors (92536)
  8. Archive:Preferences (79040)
  9. Reference:NamespaceManager (77351)
  10. Blog (75355)

- displays list of most visited pages

Where to find the function BlueSpiceSmartList?

All of the tags listed above can be added through "Insert magic" menu of VisualEditor. For more information on how to insert magic words, see BlueSpiceInsertMagic.

Tag bs:smartlist

Options of bs:smartlist tag

Once the tag is added to the page, configuration dialog (inspector) is shown. If offers configuring:

  • mode - criteria by which to retrieve pages displayed
    • Recentchanges - shows the most recent changes. This is the default option.
    • Changesofweek - shows the articles which have been chosen as a "Change of the week".


The SmartList can be limited or extended with the following parameters:

Count -count

The number of articles to be shown. Default value: 5

Namespaces - ns

Only articles from given namespace will be listed. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names. Several namespaces can be named with pipes: ns="0|2|5" or ns="Help|User|Test". Default: All namespaces are included.

Exclude NS - excludens

Articles from given namespaces will not be shown. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names. Several namespaces can be named with pipes: ns="0|2|5" or ns="Help|User|Test". Default: All namespaces are included.

Category - cat

Only articles from given category will be listed. Selecting several categories is not possible. Default: All categories.

Show minor - nominor

Minor changes (changes marked with an "m" in the recent changes) will not be listed. Default: Minor changes are listed.

Period - period

Only changes within given period are shown. Possible values: 'month', 'week', 'day'. Default: No limit.

Show only new articles - new

Only new pages will be listed. Default: All pages are shown

Trim - trim

Long article names are not cropped. Default: The title is cut off after 30 characters.

Show text showtext

With this option, a line of the article contents will be shown alongside the title.

Trim text - trimtext

"trimtext" sets the number of characters of an article's content shown. This is only relevant when showtext="true"). Note: trimtext="0" is not possible.

Example in wikicode

Of course, bs:smartlist tag can be added directly into wikitext:

BlueSpiceSmartList - Error
The given namespace is invalid: 104.

Tag bs:newbies

TheUser:Ptechnik, User:PraktiED, User:PraktiEG, User:Mkirsch, User:Fspinar tag shows the recently registered members on the wiki.


Count - count

The number of users to be shown; the default value is 10.

Example in wikicode

User:Ptechnik, User:PraktiED, User:PraktiEG, User:Mkirsch, User:Fspinar, User:Mmeixner, User:Rvogel

Tag bs:toplist

Options of bs:toplist tag

This tag shows list of most visited pages.


Count - count

The number of articles to be shown; the default value is 10.

Namespaces - ns

Only articles from these namespace will be shown. You can put several namespaces here, separated by commas.

Category - cat

Only articles from this category will be shown. You can put several categories here, separated by commas.

Period - period

The period that should be used (alltime or month). The default is alltime.

Example in wikicode

- Error

See also

Our reference page.

