- Last edited 6 years ago by Lsireta
What is BlueSpiceInsertCategory?
BlueSpiceInsertCategory enables viewing and managing categories a page belongs to.
Where to find BlueSpiceInsertCategory?
This functionality can be found in "Quality management" tab in right navigation on any content page.
Using BlueSpiceInsertCategory
If a page already have some categories assigned, those will appear under "Categories" section of "Quality management" tab.
Managment of the categories for the current page can be done from "Page information" flyout in "Quality management" tab. "Categories" section of the "Page information" flyout shows all assigned categories, if any are assigned. To add or remove categories, hover over the this section - an "edit" button will appear.
Clicking on this button shows input field where existing categories can be removed, or new ones added, by typing name of the category to be added.
On the right side of this input box there is "hierarchy" button, which opens a dialog listing all categories, in hierarchical view.
Clicking the "Save" button will save changes to the categories, clicking "Cancel" closes the edit mode without saving the changes and "Remove all" button clear all the categories from the page.
Classical categories in MediaWiki
Here is information about how to add Categories the classical way in MediaWiki.
See also
Our user manual.