- Last edited 4 years ago by MLR
- No status information
This is a list of BlueSpice parser functions. Some of these tags can be inserted using VisualEditor. Go to Insert > Magic words and select the magic word you want to use. If you don't see the tag listed, switch to source editing mode and manually insert the tag there. You can always find the list of all parser tags (both MediaWiki and BlueSpice) in your BlueSpice installation on the page Special:Version, in the section Parser Extension Tags.
[hide]- 1 activitystream
- 2 booklist
- 3 bookmeta
- 4 bookshelf
- 5 checklist
- 6 countarticles
- 7 countcharacters
- 8 countfiles
- 9 countusers
- 10 drawio
- 11 newbies
- 12 pageaccess
- 13 pagesvisited
- 14 pagetemplates
- 15 pdfpagebreak
- 16 profileimage
- 17 showtime
- 18 signhere
- 19 smartlist
- 20 tagcloud
- 21 tagsearch
- 22 timeline
- 23 toplist
- 24 universalexportexcludearticle
- 25 universalexporthidetitle
- 26 universalexportmeta
- 27 universalexportnoexport
- 28 universalexportpagebreak
- 29 universalexportparams
- 30 watchlist
- 31 whoisonlinecount
- 32 whoisonlinepopup
- 33 Related info
Description: Generates lists of recently changed social entities of a user, such as comments or blog entries.
Example: <bs:activitystream user="WikiSysop" />
Description: Generates lists of articles from the namespace "book" and can be filtered. The indication of the filter ist mandatory.
Example: <bs:booklist filter="title:handbook|responsible:Testuser" />
Extension: BlueSpiceBookshelf
Description: Tag for saving various meta data on book articles. These are included in the book. The attributes of this tag have to correlate with the meta data of the book article.
Example: <bs:bookmetatitle="Installation manual"subtitle="BlueSpice pro"
author1="Hallo Welt!"
version="1.0" />
Extension: BlueSpiceBookshelf
Description: Inserts the chapter navigation of a book in a page that is not part of a book. Numbering is automatically created according to the table of contents.
Example: <bs:bookshelf src="Book:Installation manual" width="200" height="100" float="left" />
Extension: BlueSpiceBookshelf
Description: Generates a checkbox or a select menu. The checklist can be modified by various parameters.
Example: <bs:checklist type="list" value="false" list="Status" /><option>-</option><option>-</option></select>
Extension: BlueSpiceChecklist
Description: Displays the number of articles in the wiki.
Example: <bs:countarticles />
Extension: BlueSpiceCountThings
Description: Generates metadata about the number of characters, words or number of printed pages for the page.
Example: <bs:countcharacters mode="chars">ARTICLENAME</bs:countcharacters>
Extension: BlueSpiceCountThings
Description: Shows the number of all uploaded files
Example: <bs:countfiles />
Extension: BlueSpiceCountThings
Description: Shows the number of registered users.
Example: <bs:countusers />
Extension: BlueSpiceCountThings
Description: Inserts the draw.io flow chart editor and allows inline editing of charts and diagrams.
Example: <bs:drawio name="Diagram.png" />
Extension: DrawioEditor
Description: Shows the new users of the wiki. The list can be restricted to a certain number.
Example: <bs:newbies count="3" />
Extension: BlueSpiceSmartList
Description: Defines the groups which have exclusive access to a page. Several groups are separated by commas.
Example: <bs:pageaccess groups="sysop"/>
Extension: BlueSpicePageAccess
Description: Shows a list of recently visited pages. This list can be restricted by parameters.
Example: <bs:pagesvisited count="7" maxtitlelength="40" />
Extension: BlueSpicePagesVisited
Description: Shows a list of the wiki's page templates.
Example: <bs:pagetemplates />
Extension: BlueSpicePageTemplates
Description: Inserts a page break when the page is exported to PDF.
TExample: <bs:pdfpagebreak />
Description: Inserts the profile picture of the user on a page.
Example: <bs:profileimage username="WikiSysop" />
Extension: BlueSpiceAvatars
Description: Embeds a video that was uploaded to the wiki on a wiki page.
Example: <bs:showtime width="960" height="760">myvideo.mp4</bs:showtime>
Extension: BlueSpicePlayer
Description: Embeds a visual signature function on a regular wiki page.
Tag: <bs:signhere />
Extension: BlueSpiceSignHere
Description: Shows a list of pages. The configuration works through several modi and parameters.
Example: <bs:smartlist mode="whatlinkshere" traget="ARTICLENAME" />
Extension: BlueSpiceSmartList
Description: Shows a tag cloud on a page.
Example: <bs:tagcloud count="10" minsize="12" maxsize="34" exclude="Imported vocabulary, Project" />
Extension: BlueSpiceTagCloud
Description: This function integrates the search form in an article. Search can be configured by parameters.
Example: <bs:tagsearch cat="Help" ns="BlueSpice" operator="OR" />
Extension: BlueSpiceTagSearch
Description: Shows a list of latest social contributions, such as discussion topics, blog entries, or user profile changes.
Example: <bs:toplist count="4" cat="Wiki" period="month" />
Description: Shows the most visited pages. Can be limited by several parameters.
Example: <bs:toplist count="4" cat="Wiki" period="month" />
Extension: BlueSpiceSmartList
Description: Excludes an article from a PDF export.
Example: <bs:ueexludearticle" />
Extension: BlueSpiceUniversalExport
Description: Allows to add arbitrary meta data to an exported document.
Example: <bs:uemeta department="IT" security="high" />
Extension: BlueSpiceUniversalExport
Description: Allows to add arbitrary meta data to an exported document.
Example: <bs:uemeta department="IT" security="high" />
Extension: BlueSpiceUniversalExport
Description: Content inside this tag will not be exported.
Example: <bs:uenoexport>Not included in export</bs:uenoexport>
Extension: BlueSpiceUniversalExport
Description: If supported by chosen export module, this tag forces a page break in the export document.
Tag: <bs:uepagebreak />
Extension: BlueSpiceUniversalExport
Description: Allows to set special parameters for export, whether the parameter will be evaluated depends on the chosen export module.
Example: <bs:ueparams template="BlueSpice Landscape" />
Extension: UniversalExport
Description: Shows the articles which have most recent changes and are on your watchlist.
Tag: <bs:watchlist />
Description: Shows the number of users who have logged in within the last 10 minutes.
Example: <bs:whoisonlinecount />
Extension: BlueSpiceWhoIsOnline
Description: Shows all users who have been logged in within the last 10 minutes.The output is a speech bubble when a user hovers over the related link.
Example: <bs:whoisonlinepopup anchortext="Online users" />
Extension: BlueSpiceWhoIsOnline